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"This report provides an analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on Nigeria by first providing an overview of the global situation and Nigerian context, including the response to-date, then by estimating and describing the potential economic impact of COVID-19 on the broader economy and by sector, with a focus on MSMEs. Finally, the report identifies four categories of actions to support the economic recovery: the usual suspects, the unusual suspects, short-term actions, and medium-term actions."


"This case study reviewed social enterprises operating in the agriculture and health sectors in Kenya by conducting a desk-based literature review, interviews and a workshop with social enterprises and support organisations in Nairobi, which is currently seen as a hub of social enterprise activity in Africa. The case study considers how the lack of a widely-accepted social enterprise definition influences activity in Kenya, identifies niches within which agriculture and health sector social enterprises are operating and summarises some key findings from discussions with key informants."