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"The Report on the Treatment of MSME Insolvency arises out of a panel presentation that took place during the 2015 meeting of the World Bank Group’s Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes Task Force (the ICR Task Force) and subsequent discussion among Task Force members in 2016. Following the discussion in 2015, the ICR Task Force resolved to prepare a report on the challenges, needs, and responses to MSME insolvency. As always, in light of the ICR Task Force mandate, the objective of this work is to inform the World Bank Group’s role as joint standard setter (together with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) in the area of insolvency and creditor/debtor rights."


"El objetivo de este artículo, consiste en analizar las características sociodemográficas de la población joven emprendedora en México, con la finalidad de identificar el perfil de los jóvenes emprendedores, así como indagar si en efecto, la actividad emprendedora configura un mecanismo de inserción exitoso al mercado laboral o, en su caso, se trata de una forma de sobrevivencia ante la carencia de oportunidades de empleo. Para ello, se propone incorporar los elementos dados por un conjunto de vertientes teóricas y empíricas, así como la construcción de un esquema analítico a partir de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo del primer trimestre 2016, y el método de Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples. Los resultados muestran que, en cierta medida, se refuta la situación ideal del emprendimiento enunciada bajo los preceptos teóricos, ya que en el caso de los jóvenes mexicanos se deduce que la actividad emprendedora emerge como una forma de sobrevivencia más que una manera de explotar el entorno para los negocios, la motivación personal y las capacidades físicas e intelectuales."


"This paper provides an analysis of local development, to deepen understanding of characteristics and behavior of women in rural areas in the municipality of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur. Specifically in the local delegations of Santiago, Miraflores, and La Ribera. We also identify investment opportunities that promote the entrepreneurial activity of women in that area. We wish to determine the business opportunities available in the area. We also identify market demands, available and potential resources, and analyze the possible impact of local areas through potential economic activities. The methodology involved examining documentary sources. In addition, we utilize direct observation, and planning workshops. Later, we administer a questionnaire to a representative sample of women from the study area. The results allow us to diagnose the woman’s situation and her development opportunities."


SMEs form a dominant share of the private sector in developing countries, and account for more than 50
percent of jobs in their respective economies. Besides their positive employment effects, the growth and
vibrancy of these firms is also important for broader economic growth, diversification of economic base
and as a source of innovation that is exhibited by some of the start-ups. Women-owned SMEs are
emerging as one of the fast growing segments within the SME sector. Youth play an important role in the
creation of new firms and start up activities. Given this importance of SMEs for creation of more, better
and inclusive jobs, there is significant focus on understanding the constraints to growth of this sector and
implementing programs to address them in the World Bank Group and the other development
institutions. Among the several constraints that they face, access to finance is usually cited as the most
important and there are several instruments that can be applied to address this constraint. However, what
is the evidence of impact of these programs on the employment effects? This note brings together the
learnings and evidence from access to finance interventions on employment and provides some
recommendations for development practitioners who seek to maximize this objective from their access
to finance interventions.


This article examines the differences and features displayed by business angels (BAs), depending on the extent of their involvement with, and support for, the start-ups they finance measured by expertise, experience and contacts. With a sample of 293 Spanish BAs, using data obtained from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey, our results indicate that investors who develop more rigorous screening processes in the pre-investment process and hold regular meetings with founder teams are more likely to become High Value-Added Business Angels (HVBAs). Accordingly, the ability of BAs to transfer so-called ‘smart capital’ is conditioned by the levels of screening and assessment applied at the pre-investment stage in terms of both the quality of projects and founder teams and the extent to which the expectations and profiles of the two parties match.


"There is no silver bullet to ending poverty, but ANDE members represent important pieces of larger solutions, and we’re excited to keep growing. We now have over 280 organizations in our network. In 2017, we launched a new chapter in East and Southeast Asia. Since then, we’ve launched an Andean chapter and a new Central America office in Guatemala. We are excited to support more direct growth in the countries where our members work. I’m happy to share that our newest report explores global trends at a regional level to reflect this increasing breadth and depth of our chapters."


"Esta publicação tem como objetivo relatar as experiências, os desafios e os casos de sucesso do Piloto Juventude Empreendedora, iniciativa do CIEDS, em parceria com a Fundação Itaú Social, que desenvolveu uma metodologia de educação empreendedora para estudantes de escolas públicas, de 14 a 21 anos, residentes em favelas da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, ao longo do ano de 2017."


"Este relatório busca demonstrar quanto os negócios sociais efetivamente endereçam a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento feminino no Brasil. O relatório explora os pontos fortes e as fraquezas do negócio social enquanto mecanismo para o empoderamento de mulheres e contempla as diferentes maneiras em que está aplicado para tanto. Também é examinada a ideia que o negócio social, enquanto modelo de negócios, possa promover o empoderamento feminino mesmo que este não seja seu objetivo específico."


"O Guia Prático busca tratar sobre os principais conceitos acerca da avaliação de impacto social, mostrar a importancia e o passo a passo da mesma."


"The business case for gender equality is compelling. It is also widely underutilized. The most commonly cited evidence of the business case highlights two points: first, gender equality strengthens national economies, and, second, investing in women in senior leadership strengthens companies in which they work. While both are essential to making the business case, neither represents the full scope of benefits that can be derived from closing gaps between men and women in the private sector."