Business Call to Action
As Publisher

"Esta publicación busca identificar y presentar las oportunidades de los Negocios Inclusivos como vehículo para acelerar el logro de los ODS por parte del sector privado, como agentes de cambio hacia el desarrollo sostenible en Colombia.

El documento hace parte de una serie de reportes desarrollados por la plataforma global Business Call to Action -BCtA, junto con socios locales en Colombia, Filipinas y Kenia para resaltar el potencial de mercado y de alineación con los ODS que los negocios Inclusivos tienen en diversos sectores."


"This report highlights opportunities for inclusive business across five sectors: financial services, food and beverages, healthcare, infrastructure and skills building and education. It also shares insights gained from a survey, interviews and workshops on how inclusive business can be scaled to accelerate achievement of the SDGs by 2030.

This publication is the first in a series of three produced by BCtA to highlight the efforts of its members and other inclusive businesses in Kenya, the Philippines and Colombia, focusing on both the opportunities and challenges of inclusive business. It aims to encourage companies' engagement in inclusive business and contribution to the SDGs by offering examples of successful and emerging approaches, and indicating how governments and other stakeholders can support their establishment and scaling up."


"With more than a quarter of the Philippines' 100 million-strong population living below the poverty line, efforts to tackle poverty and improve living, working and health conditions must be stepped up if the populous Southeast Asian nation is to achieve its Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) commitments by 2030.

This publication aims to demonstrate how Inclusive Business can be engaged in the Philippines to contribute to achieving national development priorities and the SDGs -and how governments and other stakeholders can create an environment in which such business models thrive and reach scale."


"This report is based upon discussions that took place during the webinar “Farmer and FInance: The Widening Gap”, which focused on the challenges and opportunities smallholder farmers face in accessing finance. The event was a virtual roundtable discussion with the participation of companies that work with smallholder farmers. Beyond financing, this report examines other challenges in working with smallholders who are part of large-scale agricultural value chains, based on the outcomes of the event and individual interviews with Business Call to Action member companies."