"The Climate Capital Network’s (CCN) first annual India Climate Finance Report explores the direction of climate finance in India, uncovers funding opportunities and gaps, and showcases organisations that are using innovative approaches. This report consolidates survey findings, interviews, and articles from leading climate finance organisations allocating in India. The universe of funders in India has grown significantly to encompass everyone from the Climate Committed (core mandate and/ or deploying in these sectors for a number of years) to the Climate Crossover (newly part of the mandate and starting to actively deploy/ refine thesis) to the Climate Curious (will opportunistically deploy, but no specific mandate at this point). We reached out to funders who are actively and strategically looking at climate right now. The focus of this report is on the data as a way to provide context and background, but equally importantly on the insights and areas of emergence."
"Entrepreneurs need to be prepared to measure and communicate their contribution to climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience to key stakeholders. However, there is currently no standardization of climate impact reporting in the small business sector, leaving the burden on entrepreneurs to grow a successful business and implement the right tools to measure climate impact. Climate Collective Foundation and the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) have published this guide to provide SGBs, impact investors, and ESOs with a consolidated list of available tools and frameworks for climate impact measurement, along with guidance on how to select best-fit resources based on their industry and impact area."
"Entrepreneurs need to be prepared to measure and communicate their contribution to climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience to key stakeholders. However, there is currently no standardization of climate impact reporting in the small business sector, leaving the burden on entrepreneurs to grow a successful business and implement the right tools to measure climate impact. Climate Collective Foundation and the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) have published this guide to provide SGBs, impact investors, and ESOs with a consolidated list of available tools and frameworks for climate impact measurement, along with guidance on how to select best-fit resources based on their industry and impact area."
"Empreendedores precisam estar preparados para medir e comunicar aos principais stakeholders, suas contribuições para a mitigação, adaptação e resiliência às mudanças climáticas. No entanto, atualmente não há padronização dos relatórios de impacto climático no setor de pequenas empresas, deixando o ônus de crescer um negócio bem-sucedido e implementar as ferramentas certas para medir o impacto climático para os empreendedores. A Climate Collective Foundation e a Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) publicaram este guia para fornecer a SGBs, investidores de impacto e ESOs uma lista consolidada de ferramentas e frameworks disponíveis para medição de impacto climático, com orientações sobre como selecionar os recursos mais adequados com base em seu estágio, indústria e região geográfica."
"Las y los emprendedores deben estar preparados para medir y comunicar su contribución a la mitigación, adaptación y resiliencia ante el cambio climático. Sin embargo, en la actualidad no existe una estandarización de los informes sobre el impacto climático en el sector de las pequeñas empresas, lo que deja en manos de las y los emprendedores la carga de hacer crecer un negocio exitoso y aplicar las herramientas adecuadas para medir el impacto climático. La Climate Collective Foundation (CCF) y la Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE) han publicado esta guía para proporcionar a las Pequeñas Empresas en Crecimiento, los inversionistas de impacto y las Organizaciones de Apoyo al Emprendimiento, una lista consolidada de las herramientas y los marcos de referencia disponibles para la medición del impacto climático, junto con orientación sobre cómo seleccionar los recursos más adecuados en función de su etapa, industria y región geográfica."
We thank all participants, panelists and partners for their interest and participation in the first-ever ANDE South Asia Convening. Here's your roundup of all the sessions and resources from the three days!
ANDE South Asia publishes the Member Showcase, highlighting selected members' initiatives and fostering strategic collaboration. Additionally, the Collaboration Showcase focuses on partnerships between ANDE members and ANDE's facilitative role.