Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

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"Endeavor Insight has partnered with the Argidius Foundation to promote further learning among organizations that support entrepreneurs. This guide draws from Endeavor Insight’s body of research on ecosystem development and summarizes the most effective ways that stakeholders, primarily entrepreneurial support organizations and donors, can incorporate lessons into their decisions."


"Ventajas y desventajas al emprender en México es un estudio aborda como ciertas características físicas o socioeconómicas de las personas que emprenden, impactan en el éxito o fracaso de un emprendimiento en México.

Se trata del primer estudio en su tipo que considera factores como el tono de piel, lugar de origen, nivel de escolaridad y nivel socioeconómico y cual es su influencia en el acceso a oportunidades para emprender.

A través de un encuesta digital se recaudó información de más de 1,000 emprendedores, de todos los estados del país, a fin de evaluar las ventajas y desventajas que han experimentado personas quienes han fundado y son dueñas de micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMES) formalizados y no formalizados, con un periodo de vida de hasta 5 años."


"El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo construir una tipología regional de la capacidad de innovación en su relación con el comportamiento emprendedor en México. Para esto se aplicó una metodología de análisis factorial de componentes principales con el fin de comprobar las dimensiones en que se integran las regiones y un análisis de conglomerados para la clasificación de las regiones. A partir de lo anterior, se obtuvieron 5 agrupamientos regionales en relación con el comportamiento innovador: región no metropolitana, pequeñas regiones industriales, región industrial de tecnología media/alta, región metropolitana con estructura diversificada y aglomeración industrial avanzada. Con los resultados se concluye que las regiones con mayor capacidad de innovación son las que mayor fomento emprendedor registran."


Este reporte presenta de manera resumida los resultados claves de un estudio de las dinámicas de colaboración entre actores del ecosistema de emprendimiento basado en innovación en Ciudad de México, México. Elestudio y mapeo del ecosistema utilizó métodos de Social Network Análisisen conjunto con un taller participativo que tomó lugar los días 29-30 julio del 2019 en Ciudad de México. El reporte comparte los resultados claves, enfocándose en la composición del ecosistema, sus dinámicas de colaboración, así como retos y oportunidades para fortalecerse y evolucionar. Este reporte forma parte de una serie de resúmenesejecutivos que comparten los hallazgos principales de estudios de ecosistemas realizados en seis ciudades de Iberoamérica durante el período junio 2019 a febrero 2020. Estas ciudades son Buenos Aires, Madrid, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile, y Sao Paulo. Los resúmenes ejecutivos están publicados en español. A finalesde 2020, se publicará un reporte completo con análisis adicional de los seis ecosistemas en inglés y español.


"The evidence is indisputable: high-growth scaling ventures are game changers. Scale-ups are the ventures that:

Create the vast majority of new jobs in an economy;
Generate the most value in the form of financial, economic and social returns;
Drive innovation and shape ecosystems;
Incubate and develop talent pipelines; and
Spawn the next generation of thriving scale-ups and the experienced entrepreneurs that create them.

Africa needs more startups that transition to scale. Many more.

But scaling is rare. And difficult. All the more so in sub-Saharan Africa, where large populations do not equate to large addressable markets, necessitating very early (and risky) expansion into new markets in search of the critical mass of customers needed to raise funding and scale a business.

Whilst there are some universal scaling principles that can and should be applied, there isn’t a formula for scaling. Because it isn’t pure science. On the contrary, scaling is predominantly an art: a unique blend of inputs, decisions and actions that is different for each scaling business."


"Swisscontact and Startup Heatmap Europe have joined forces to develop a self-serving toolkit that empowers startup hubs all around the world to measure the health of their ecosystems. The toolkit supports managers of startup programs, university incubators, research transfer organizations, ecosystem builders and policy makers to track the progress of their ecosystem build-up. End-users are empowered to use the toolkit to source data in their home ecosystems, enter them in an interactive dashboard and based on the outcomes, and identify recommended fields of action."


"Taking advantage of China’s 2017 free trade zone (FTZ) program introduced in 15 cities, we adopt the difference-in-difference techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of FTZ policies in encouraging entrepreneurship. Our econometric analysis suggests that they have moderately motivated start-up businesses, evidenced by higher growth of company registrations. The impact was only seen in 2017
but not in any subsequent years. Moreover, the policies haven’t had a clear positive impact on individual firms’ business sizes. The Chinese government hasn’t released any estimation for the costs of FTZ programs, but we expect their economic return to be meager. Therefore, we would suggest not expanding the program further; instead, the government should address the pressing issues that
suppress business activities."


"Through the support of Advancing Women’s Empowerment Fund driven by Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Property Point developed an Access to Finance Guide. The aim of the guide is to address the obstacles that prevent access to finance for WSGBs. One of the key elements of the project entails to equip you as a female entrepreneur with relevant information as you embark on your funding journey. In consultation with funding experts and other stakeholders, we have been able to compile this useful guide to assist entrepreneurs when applying for funding."


"This guide for financial and business development services providers is designed to help you, as a company or individual providing services to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), to be more gender-inclusive in your work. Applying a gender lens to your approach and offerings will, without doubt, improve your service delivery to women entrepreneurs, your own business outcomes and the communities where you work. With this guide you will learn about the benefits of targeting women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses and how to tailor products and service delivery to them. We give you step-by-step guidance for how to begin to incorporate gender-inclusive strategies into your content and delivery of services, helping you to set the foundations for better overall impact and effectiveness."


"This guide draws from Endeavor Insight’s body of research on ecosystem development and summarizes the most effective ways that stakeholders, primarily entrepreneurial support organizations and donors, can incorporate lessons into their decisions. The research utilized for this guide primarily applies to ecosystems involving tech-enabled sectors and high-impact entrepreneurs, i.e. those who lead growth oriented, investment-seeking businesses. Still, many of the findings may also apply to a wider range of contexts."