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"This Guide was developed for impact and mission-driven investors (“Investors”) operating in emerging markets to provide concrete, practical pathways for investing with a gender lens. The adoption of Gender Lens Investing strategies amongst investors in emerging markets in turn increases the amount of capital deployed towards women-led and gender inclusive businesses. Specifically, this Guide offers pathways for investment professionals, limited partners (LPs) and general partners (GPs) at impact and mission-driven Venture Capital (VC) and Private Equity (PE) firms that are investing in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Other actors that may also find the Guide useful are limited partners (LPs), asset managers, foundations, family offices and development finance institutions (DFI) that are providing capital to SMEs in emerging markets (Please see Figure 1: Who is this Guide for?). While the investor examples and data presented in the Guide originate from Investing in Women partners and countries of focus, the lessons learned apply broadly to investors operating in emerging markets.

There is no singular or linear path to investing with a gender lens, and there is no single ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to meet the needs and theses of all investors. With that in mind, the Guide outlines various options for investing with a gender lens. We know that gender lens investing is not an “all-or-nothing” scenario. There are multiple ways to integrate progressive practices, including ways that are not resource-intensive. This Guide outlines entry points for investors at any point in their gender lens investing journey and provides various options for decisive actions that can be taken at any stage of the investment process.

There is no single prescribed starting point. Investors can customize their approach to getting started and/or to deepen their involvement. The Guide builds on – and contributes to – a rapidly growing body of knowledge shared within the fields of gender lens investing and development, and is intended to spur action and learning. Recognizing that new resources are continually emerging, this Guide delves into the “how” of gender lens investing and is designed to complement the work of our partners and colleagues cited throughout this paper."


"This Guide was developed for impact and mission-driven investors (“Investors”) operating in emerging markets to provide concrete, practical pathways for investing with a gender lens. The adoption of Gender Lens Investing strategies amongst investors in emerging markets in turn increases the amount of capital deployed towards women-led and gender inclusive businesses. Specifically, this Guide offers pathways for investment professionals, limited partners (LPs) and general partners (GPs) at impact and mission-driven Venture Capital (VC) and Private Equity (PE) firms that are investing in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Other actors that may also find the Guide useful are limited partners (LPs), asset managers, foundations, family offices and development finance institutions (DFI) that are providing capital to SMEs in emerging markets (Please see Figure 1: Who is this Guide for?). While the investor examples and data presented in the Guide originate from Investing in Women partners and countries of focus, the lessons learned apply broadly to investors operating in emerging markets.

There is no singular or linear path to investing with a gender lens, and there is no single ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to meet the needs and theses of all investors. With that in mind, the Guide outlines various options for investing with a gender lens. We know that gender lens investing is not an “all-or-nothing” scenario. There are multiple ways to integrate progressive practices, including ways that are not resource-intensive. This Guide outlines entry points for investors at any point in their gender lens investing journey and provides various options for decisive actions that can be taken at any stage of the investment process.

There is no single prescribed starting point. Investors can customize their approach to getting started and/or to deepen their involvement. The Guide builds on – and contributes to – a rapidly growing body of knowledge shared within the fields of gender lens investing and development, and is intended to spur action and learning. Recognizing that new resources are continually emerging, this Guide delves into the “how” of gender lens investing and is designed to complement the work of our partners and colleagues cited throughout this paper."


"The report "Impact Investments in Brazil – 2020", carried out by ANDE in partnership with the Aliança por Investimentos e Negócios de Impacto, Instituto Clima e Sociedade, Fundação Grupo Boticário and with the support of Wright Capital, captures the characteristics of the sector of impact investing in Brazil in the year 2020, based on a sample of 38 impact investors active in the region. The report provides an overview of where and how capital is being allocated and identifies the challenges facing the ecosystem, as well as addressing topics such as gender equity and assessing climate risks and opportunities for portfolios."


“O relatório “Investimentos de Impacto no Brasil – 2020”, realizado pela ANDE em parceria com a Aliança pelos Investimentos e Negócios de Impacto, o Instituto Clima e Sociedade, a Fundação Grupo Boticário e com apoio da Wright Capital, captura as características do setor de investimento de impacto no Brasil no ano de 2020, com base em uma amostra de 38 investidores de impacto ativos na região. O relatório fornece uma visão geral sobre onde e como o capital está sendo alocado e identifica os desafios que o ecossistema enfrenta, além de abordar temáticas como equidade de gênero, avaliação de riscos e oportunidades climáticas para o portfólio e mensuração de emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas ao portfólio. Coordenação e análise Pipe.Labo”


"This study demonstrates how investors can begin comparing investments based on impact, not only highlighting impact performance across this sample of investments but also exploring investors’ contribution to that impact in terms of the progress so far in tackling climate change. Fundamentally, this research is intended to cultivate the suite of impact analytic tools to come, such as impact performance benchmarks, ratings, and indices. Its specific findings highlight the tremendous need for further research to enhance the industry’s insights into impact performance and its drivers, enabling evidence-based decision-making. Ultimately, through this research and related efforts, the GIIN seeks to enable investors to optimize for impact at each stage of the investment process, accelerating progress toward global goals."


As investors with experience in gender lens investing (GLI), our peers often ask us for information on how to start their GLI journey. Many useful resources are available to do this. However, this brief addresses a gap in information on the tools and approaches used to design and implement gender-smart technical assistance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to improve their social and financial performance. We also share our reflections from our collective experience to date.


"Nos últimos anos, poucas pesquisas têm focado em investimentos de impacto na América Latina apesar de comunidades crescentes e ativas de investidores de impacto estarem presentes em muitos dos países da região. Este relatório representa um passo em direção ao preenchimento desta lacuna de conhecimento, oferecendo um panorama do setor de investimentos de impacto na América Latina. A primeira parte do relatório traz uma análise regional de tendências gerais de captação de fundos, operações e saídas, com enfoque especial no desenvolvimento de potenciais empreendimentos, assistência técnica, mensuração de impacto, talentos e gênero. Após esse resumo, encontram-se análises aprofundadas sobre investimentos de impacto em três mercados-chave nos quais essa indústria se encontra mais desenvolvida: Brasil, Colômbia e México."


"O estudo aproxima o conceito usado pela ANDE de “Pequenas Empresas em Crescimento” ou “Small and Growing Businesses” dos conceitos praticados aqui no Brasil pelo BNDES, IBGE, Receita Federal e Sebrae no setor de empreendedorismo. Além disso, apresenta exemplos de SGBs alinhadas às áreas foco da ANDE, bem como de organizações de apoio ao empreendedorismo no Norte e Nordeste e com foco em periferias, para ilustrar o rico universo deste campo empresarial em regiões onde a ANDE tem interesse específico."


"There is no silver bullet to ending poverty, but ANDE members represent important pieces of larger solutions, and we’re excited to keep growing. We now have over 280 organizations in our network. In 2017, we launched a new chapter in East and Southeast Asia. Since then, we’ve launched an Andean chapter and a new Central America office in Guatemala. We are excited to support more direct growth in the countries where our members work. I’m happy to share that our newest report explores global trends at a regional level to reflect this increasing breadth and depth of our chapters."


"In 2016, the ANDE network expanded to a total of 260 member organizations who provide critical financial, educational, and business-support services to SGBs. Of the roughly 50 members who joined the network in 2016, half are headquartered in emerging markets. We are excited to see more homegrown organizations joining the global network, as it is evidence of maturing entrepreneurial support service market. More than ever, the development of more entrepreneurial support organizations offers the opportunity for a coordinated approach to cultivate local entrepreneurial ecosystems.

This report presents a bird’s-eye view of the SGB sector, and the organizations working to support entrepreneurs in emerging markets. Documenting the growth and dynamics of the SGB sector in the seven years since ANDE’s launch in 2009 is key to demonstrating what ANDE members fundamentally believe to be true: Entrepreneurship has the power to lift countries out of poverty."