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"NTF4Ag: Emerging Lessons and New Frontiers brings together key results, insights from the case studies, pilots and crosscutting research conducted by MEDA and its partners over the last three years. The report is framed around INNOVATE's four learning themes, which emerged in an iterative manner from the research portfolio along with engagement with key stakeholders through events, conferences, and ongoing dialogue.

This report is aimed at a diverse set of actors in the smallholder finance landscape including the private sector, research organizations, implementing agencies, funders, and policymakers."


"Em maio de 2020, a ANDE divulgou um estudo setorial, resumindo as evidências iniciais da primeira fase da crise, em março e abril de 2020, sobre o impacto do COVID-19 nas SGBs e no setor de suporte à SGB de maneira mais ampla nos mercados emergentes.

À medida em que a crise e seus efeitos no setor continuam se desenvolvendo, a ANDE está trabalhando para continuar atualizando as informações com novos dados e insights. Este adendo ao estudo apresenta novos dados coletados dos membros da ANDE, entre maio e junho de 2020, em relação às suas necessidades, ações que estão tomando e impressões atualizadas do impacto que a crise está tendo e terá no setor."


"Este estudo resume as evidências iniciais que surgiram durante a primeira fase da crise, em março e abril de 2020, em relação ao impacto da COVID-19 nas SGBs e no setor de apoio às SGBs nos mercados emergentes. Ele resume os riscos, impactos e necessidades atuais para que as organizações e indivíduos que apoiam as SGBs possam entender melhor o que está acontecendo localmente e, mais importante, tomar medidas para projetar e implementar intervenções mais eficazes."


"Spring Impact's new report, generously supported by the Argidius Foundation, shares recommendations on creating effective mentoring programs for micro, small, and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). This report is designed to provide immediate support to practitioners, funders and other champions of mentoring by sharing essential good practices to strengthen or build effective programs."


"This report is part of a wider study that aims to unpack the contribution of Gender Lens Investing in women’s economic empowerment, and builds on the existing literature on the understanding of the finance gap for women-owned enterprises in developing countries. It is based on insights gathered from 200+ women entrepreneurs across Kenya, Rwanda, India and Indonesia. While analysing the factors affecting access to finance for women entrepreneurs, the report touches upon its effect on their lives in terms of impact on their agency, bargaining power, ability to challenge patriarchal attitudes, and financial independence, through examples. The report posits a segmentation framework to bring out the differentiated characteristics, needs and challenges of women-owned businesses businesses."


"The global spread of Covid-19 has made being an entrepreneur more challenging than ever. Although it seems like a crisis unlike any other, the pandemic has many lessons to offer entrepreneurs working with underserved communities in low income markets. The Manual to Land by MIT D-Lab aims to help entrepreneurs to better navigate crisis leadership while focusing on finances, the team or the customer side."


"Understanding the performance of accelerators is important to a wide range of individuals and organizations: participating startups, accelerator managers and staff, investors, partners, donors, funders, and policymakers. Each of these stakeholders may have different priorities and objectives in their efforts to measure accelerators' performance and impact. This brief identifies considerations and potential metrics for evaluating accelerator performance. In addition to metrics related to the accelerator itself, it includes measures that assess the performance of startups, and changes in the regions in which accelerators are located."


"En septiembre de 2020, la Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE por sus siglas en inglés) publicó un estudio titulado “Inversión de Impacto en América Latina”, que examina las tendencias en la región durante 2018 -2019. A continuación se muestra un enfoque sobre América Central, que utiliza datos del informe completo para resaltar tendencias clave en países centroamericanos, durante este período de dos años."


"Este informe pretende captar las peculiaridades del sector de inversión de impacto en América Latina durante los dos últimos años, basándose en una muestra de los inversionistas en la región. Mediante información a nivel institucional y a nivel transacción de estos inversionistas, se ofrece un retrato de dónde y cómo se está asignando capital, e identifica los retos que enfrenta el ecosistema. Si bien abarca la región entera, el informe se enfoca en los tres mercados principales de la región: Brasil, México y Colombia."


"This resource gives an overview and non-technical introduction to randomized evaluations. Randomized evaluations can be used to measure impact in policy research: to date, the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) affiliated researchers have conducted more than 1,000 randomized evaluations studying policies in ten thematic sectors in more than 80 countries. This resource highlights work from a variety of contexts, including studies on youth unemployment in Chicago, a subsidized rice program in Indonesia, and a conditional cash transfer in Mexico. It includes guidance on when randomized evaluations can be most useful, and also discusses when they might not be the right choice as an evaluation method."