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"This report, "Growing Impact" follows IFC’s first assessment of the global market for impact investing and investor practices, "Creating Impact", published in April 2019. In this new report we explore more deeply the size and makeup of the impact investing market and analyze the practices of impact investors, drawing on data from a survey of the signatories to the Operating Principles and a set of 32 signatory case studies. The case studies illustrate how we are creating a powerful market force by embracing a shared vision and approach."


"The guide provides investors with a basic overview of social metrics for impact investing, an outline of the issues and challenges of social impact measurement, a summary of existing social impact measurement tools and a description of how they are being used, and a set of diagnostic tools to help investors think through key questions and issues related to measurement."


"The impact measurement guidelines were developed by a Working Group on Impact Measurement, launched as part of the G8 Social Investment Taskforce at the G8 Summit in London, 2013. The guidelines outline impact measurement best practices for impact investors and the "impact organizations" (i.e., investees) they work with. The Guidelines for Good Impact Practice were developed to be practical in nature, broadly applicable, adaptable to the unique goals and internal/external context in which an investor operates, and - importantly - designed to be applicable at a portfolio, deal, and enterprise level. This work builds significantly on the work of the EVPA and aligns with recently adopted European Standard for Social Impact."


"We seek to examine founder gender preferences in the context of equity crowdfunding, which represents a direct counterpart to traditional equity financing and which is a "higher-stakes" context than rewards-based crowdfunding. More specifically, we explore whether founder gender preferences, if they exist, vary based on the gender and the experience of the investor. Through a randomized field experiment, we find that inexperienced female investors are significantly more interested (138%) in ventures with female founders than those with male founders; however, we do not observe founder gender preferences among experienced female investors. For male investors, we do not observe differences in interest in investing based on founder gender or investor experience. We thus confirm that the gender gaps observed in traditional equity funding do not apply to equity crowdfunding. Further, we theorize that the mechanisms proposed in previous research in low-stakes crowdfunding decision contexts, such as the use of founder gender as a heuristic and participation in activism homophily, that drive female investors to prefer female founders may not apply to experienced investors in higher-stakes equity crowdfunding. The results from a follow-up survey of the study participants provide support for our theoretical arguments."


"This study is the first piece of detailed research on gender lens investing in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It adds to other regional analyses of gender lens investing emerging in the last few years in Asia and in Europe (authored by the same team as this report at the ESADE Institute for Social Innovation). The specific objectives of the study are to: describe the opportunity for different gender lens investing strategies in LAC; highlight key case studies and current activities in LAC; and offer top-level recommendations for how different players can put gender lens investing into practice."


"We study gender and race in high-impact entrepreneurship using a tightly controlled randomized field experiment. We sent out 80,000 pitch emails introducing promising but fictitious start-ups to 28,000 venture capitalists and angels. Each email was sent by a fictitious entrepreneur with randomly assigned gender and race. Female entrepreneurs received 9% more interested replies than males pitching identical projects and Asians received 6% more than Whites. Our results suggest that investors do not discriminate against female or Asian entrepreneurs when evaluating unsolicited pitch emails and that future research on investor biases should focus on networks and in-person interactions."


"The GIIN has published Getting Started with IRIS, a guide to help impact investors select and apply social, environmental, and financial performance metrics from the IRIS catalog. IRIS contains more than 400 generally-accepted performance metrics, including metrics commonly used in impact sectors such as agriculture, energy, health, and financial services."


"From investments in publicly listed corporations based on environmental, social, and governance factors, to bonds issued to fund climate and environmental improvements; from micro-credit to small retailers through innovative credit assessments, to parametric insurance products improving the disaster resilience of countries, the world of sustainable finance is growing and becoming increasingly diverse.

In this report, we take a closer look at these innovations and more, highlighting how they are working to mobilize private-sector capital at scale to address social and environmental challenges. We also explore recent developments and potential opportunities in Asia's four largest economies: China, India, Japan, and Indonesia."


"The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an ambitious and universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The SDGs also present a tremendous opportunity for investors to support this global agenda by deploying increasing amounts of capital to high-impact projects that address these critical societal challenges.

These case studies show the increasingly sophisticated and targeted ways in which impact investors are directing capital towards the SDGs, designing products to address one or several goals, by incorporating them throughout the investment cycle: during sourcing and due diligence, investment selection and structuring, investment management, and exit."


"The objective of this study is to take a comprehensive look at how this model has worked, with the objective of sharing learnings with other investors. We partnered with external researchers from the Entrepreneurship Database Program at Emory University to answer two primary questions: are entrepreneurs effective at discerning the future revenue growth or capital attractiveness of their peers? Can entrepreneurs do so in a way that mitigates the bias that pervades traditional venture capital? The short answer to both questions is yes, a group of entrepreneurs can provide an effective and reliable means of evaluating early-stage ventures and do so in a way that mitigates bias."