Impact Investing

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"This report aims to capture characteristics of the impact investing sector in Latin America over the past two years based on a sample of impact investors active in the region. Through institution-level and deal-level data shared by these investors, this report gives a snapshot of where and how capital is being allocated and identifies challenges that the ecosystem faces. The report focuses on the region widely while taking a deeper dive into three of the region's largest markets: Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico."


"In September 2020, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) published a study titled “Impact Investing in Latin America”, which examines trends in the region during 2018 - 2019. Below is a spotlight on Central America, which uses data from the full report to highlight key trends in Central American countries during this two year period."


"The Impact Investment Landscape in Brazil is a follow-up to the study launched by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and the Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America (LAVCA) in October 2018. This national report is based on a sub-sample of the 67 survey respondents from the Latin America study, of which 29 are active in Brazil and 22 invested in the country during the period 2016-2017. Most of them identify themselves as impact investors or managers of private equity or venture capital funds. The report provides data on the profile of the active investors, investment activity for 2016-2017 and expectations for investment in Brazil in 2018-2019."


"This guide aims to educate social enterprises, incubators, accelerators, capacity developers, and investors on impact investing. It includes relevant laws and potential structures to access impact investing funds and can be used as a resource when entering investment negotiations. This guide unpacks the underlying causes behind less-than-efficient impact investment markets and was written with two goals. First, by setting out basic guidelines, we wish to help those already in the investing space and interested in getting involved in impact investing determine the right approach from the investors' and the social entrepreneurs' perspectives. Secondly, we wish to offer practical advice based on our experience, where we have witnessed critical impact investment discussions. In this paper, we will attempt to bridge the gap between theory and real-world implications, particularly in the Indian context."


"Impact Investing: A Framework for Policy Design and Analysis represents a framework for thinking about the role government policy can play in creating an enabling environment for impact investing. The report answers the question, "How can policymakers, investors, and civil society better develop and analyze impact investing policies?"

This report presents three tools in order to lay the groundwork for future research: a model for locating the role of government in impact investing markets; a set of criteria that offer a practical starting point for the design and evaluation of policy; and sixteen case studies that provide detailed insight into a range of policies around the world."


"The new study provides an objective, rigorous look at two of the most important aspects of impact investing: financial returns and long-term impact. Specifically, the study explores the widespread assumption that impact investing private equity funds cannot achieve market-rate financial performance. The report's findings suggest that - in certain market segments - investors might not need to expect lower returns as a tradeoff for social impact. Impact investing is an investment approach that intentionally seeks to generate measurable social or environmental impact alongside a positive financial return. According to the study's authors, certain market segments of funds in the sample yield returns close to those of public market indices."


"This report, "Growing Impact" follows IFC’s first assessment of the global market for impact investing and investor practices, "Creating Impact", published in April 2019. In this new report we explore more deeply the size and makeup of the impact investing market and analyze the practices of impact investors, drawing on data from a survey of the signatories to the Operating Principles and a set of 32 signatory case studies. The case studies illustrate how we are creating a powerful market force by embracing a shared vision and approach."


"The guide provides investors with a basic overview of social metrics for impact investing, an outline of the issues and challenges of social impact measurement, a summary of existing social impact measurement tools and a description of how they are being used, and a set of diagnostic tools to help investors think through key questions and issues related to measurement."


"The impact measurement guidelines were developed by a Working Group on Impact Measurement, launched as part of the G8 Social Investment Taskforce at the G8 Summit in London, 2013. The guidelines outline impact measurement best practices for impact investors and the "impact organizations" (i.e., investees) they work with. The Guidelines for Good Impact Practice were developed to be practical in nature, broadly applicable, adaptable to the unique goals and internal/external context in which an investor operates, and - importantly - designed to be applicable at a portfolio, deal, and enterprise level. This work builds significantly on the work of the EVPA and aligns with recently adopted European Standard for Social Impact."


"The GIIN has published Getting Started with IRIS, a guide to help impact investors select and apply social, environmental, and financial performance metrics from the IRIS catalog. IRIS contains more than 400 generally-accepted performance metrics, including metrics commonly used in impact sectors such as agriculture, energy, health, and financial services."