Impact Measurement & Management

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"Over the last six months, Nesta has been working with the Impact Management Project to explore how we think about evidence of impact. This document provides guidance on both using existing evidence of impact, and building your own evidence base."


Written by ANDE's Director of Research and Impact, this article gives an overview of why to measure impact, what to measure, how to collect data, and practical considerations for putting impact data into practice.


"The Global Value Exchange (GVE) is an online platform developed by Social Value UK that allows users to set up their own projects, start to monitor the social value they are creating, and helps them to manage and maximise their social value."


"A consistent approach to impact calculations allows companies, investors, policymakers, multi-lateral institutions, non-government organizations, and other sector stakeholders to estimate the impacts created by off-grid solar in a consistent, clear, and coherent manner. The metrics help build the evidence base for the many benefits that off-grid solar lighting and high-performing appliances unlock for people previously living in energy poverty."


"The guide provides investors with a basic overview of social metrics for impact investing, an outline of the issues and challenges of social impact measurement, a summary of existing social impact measurement tools and a description of how they are being used, and a set of diagnostic tools to help investors think through key questions and issues related to measurement."


"The impact measurement guidelines were developed by a Working Group on Impact Measurement, launched as part of the G8 Social Investment Taskforce at the G8 Summit in London, 2013. The guidelines outline impact measurement best practices for impact investors and the "impact organizations" (i.e., investees) they work with. The Guidelines for Good Impact Practice were developed to be practical in nature, broadly applicable, adaptable to the unique goals and internal/external context in which an investor operates, and - importantly - designed to be applicable at a portfolio, deal, and enterprise level. This work builds significantly on the work of the EVPA and aligns with recently adopted European Standard for Social Impact."


"The GIIN has published Getting Started with IRIS, a guide to help impact investors select and apply social, environmental, and financial performance metrics from the IRIS catalog. IRIS contains more than 400 generally-accepted performance metrics, including metrics commonly used in impact sectors such as agriculture, energy, health, and financial services."


"In this series, we’ll be getting back to the basics and highlighting what it means to “close the loop.” Whether you’re well versed in the jargon or new to the feedback community, this series will introduce you to ideas, frameworks, tools and approaches that we believe are essential for a strong feedback practice. Feedback Fundamentals is all about building a strong foundation and realizing a vision of listening to the people you seek to serve."


"In this brief, we respond to questions from Acumen about what social enterprises think of measurement approaches that impact investors have created, specifically: Are entrepreneurs who have received impact investment funds using tools such as IRIS and B Impact Assessment? If they are, what factors are driving this adoption? If not, why not? And are they using other approaches instead?"


"Developmental Evaluation (DE) is an evaluation approach that can assist social innovators develop social change initiatives in complex or uncertain environments. DE originators liken their approach to the role of research & development in the private sector product development process because it facilitates real-time, or close to real-time, feedback to program staff thus facilitating a continuous development loop."