"A social impact bond (SIB) is a new approach for scaling social programs. Currently being piloted in the United Kingdom and generating interest globally, a SIB is a multistakeholder partnership in which philanthropic funders and impact investors—not governments—take on the financial risk of expanding preventive programs that help poor and vulnerable people. Nonprofits deliver the program to more people who need it; the government pays only if the program succeeds. Because the concept of a SIB is so new (the first and only SIB is the UK pilot mentioned above), information about how—and how well—this approach could work is very limited. In this report, the most thoroughly researched study of SIBs to date, we explain how SIBs are structured, assess their potential in two specific program areas (homelessness and criminal justice), describe the various stakeholder groups involved, and present the results of a pro forma analysis of a hypothetical SIB."
"This report is aimed specifically at helping social sector funders use their resources in the best possible way. It helps them understand if, when and how to use the different financial instruments available to support social entrepreneurs in the most efficient and effective way. It also helps clarify what hybrid finance is, and how it can be used to channel more resources towards social entrepreneurship, in a more effective manner, while highlighting some of the challenges this practice brings about."
"Impact investing has the potential to enable every foundation, regardless of size, to pursue its philanthropic mission more effectively. It can help individual donors, families, foundations with few or no staff, and all sorts of giving entities put more and different types of capital to work for social good. Even better, it can deliver philanthropic impact alongside financial returns—which can enable reinvestment of those funds in pursuit of even more social good.
We offer this guide with that opportunity in mind—and specifically to support small-staffed foundations seeking to use impact investing to further their missions. It provides a starting point, a review of key questions to consider and ways to answer them, and a variety of tools and connections to additional resources you may need."
"The objective of this edition is to: 1) Educate agribusiness entrepreneurs on the various available lending options for growth financing; 2) Demystify private equity financing options and how Sahel Capital has effectively created significant value for agribusinesses; and 3) Opportunities and challenges in the agriculture sector, government policies and sustainability in the sector."
"In this brief, we respond to a question from Nesta about entrepreneur mobility: Obviously, there is a well-known flow of startups towards the United States (driven in large part by the availability of venture capital and higher valuations at IPO), but does your data show any movement of entrepreneurs to and from developing countries?"
"In this brief, we respond to a question from the Argidius Foundation about the return on investment for accelerators: At the Argidius Foundation, we assess the return on total investment (ROTI) of the capacity development programs that we support. What can your data tell us about the return on investment for accelerator programs?"
"In this data brief, we explore financing for ventures working in different regions and sectors around the world using data from the Entrepreneurship Database Program. In this report, we respond to a question from the Global Innovation Fund about startup financing by sector and geography: At the Global Innovation Fund, we are focused on supporting entrepreneurs and innovators in markets where individuals earn less than $5 per day. What sectors/verticals and what geographies are typically getting funding in the data that you're seeing?"
"This report begins with an overview of Enclude's research methodology and the survey respondents, which included Echoing Green Fellows. The first half is dedicated to exploring respondents' current and anticipated funding by Capital Readiness Segment. The second half provides a look into the entrepreneurs' top barriers to accessing capital, as well as their desired support needs, and includes case studies of enterprises in each Segment. Finally, Echoing Green and Enclude suggest a framework for thinking through how to provide capital readiness support for a portfolio of social entrepreneurs, in addition to identifying three specific interventions and next steps."
"O objetivo deste artigo é realizar, de forma pioneira, uma análise dos impactos dos programas de apoio às atividades inovativas nas pequenas empresas brasileiras. Utiliza-se o método Propensity Score Matching para avaliar os impactos dos incentivos fiscais, dos programas de financiamento, da concessão de bolsas e de capital de risco, com microdados da PINTEC (2010). Os resultados apontam que o conjunto dos programas de apoio à inovação estimula os gastos com atividades inovativas das pequenas empresas. Dentre os programas, os que se mostraram mais efetivos foram os de financiamento e os de apoio à aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos."
"Grants for agricultural innovation are common but grant funds specifically targeted to smallholder farmers remain relatively rare. Nevertheless, they are receiving increasing recognition as a promising venue for agricultural innovation. They stimulate smallholders to experiment with improved practices, to become proactive and to engage with research and extension providers. The systematic review covered three modalities of disbursing these grants to smallholder farmers and their organisations: vouchers, competitive grants and farmer-led innovation support funds. The synthesis covers, among others, innovation grant systems in Malawi (Agricultural Input Subsidy Programme), Latin America (several Challenge Funds for Farmer Groups), Uganda (National Agricultural Advisory Services ), and Colombia (Local Agricultural Research Committees - CIAL)."