The objective of ANDE’s Learning Communities is to create a space for thought leadership, cross learning and is serving as a platform to generate knowledge to advance gender issues, among ANDE awardee
In this blog post, we are proud to introduce FUNDES Latin America, an ANDE member that strengthens the entrepreneurial capacities of MSMEs in Latin America to promote economic, social and environmental development in the region
We are excited to host our second learning lab in Cape Town, Western Cape with support from the Walmart Foundation.
"Uganda's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Initiative (UEEI) Phase II aimed to address key gaps and opportunities in the entrepreneurial ecosystems of Kampala and Gulu, Uganda. The initiative was designed to work collectively towards addressing interrelated constraints such as limited access to financing, mentorship, and network connections, which were found to be limiting entrepreneurship in Uganda. While progress has been made, challenges such as bureaucratic red tape and a lack of appropriate financial products for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) still exist. The UEEI Phase II serves as a valuable learning opportunity for practitioners and policymakers working to cultivate a thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem in emerging markets."
"Quando as empresas pensam em fazer boas compras, consideram planejamento, gestão de estoques, equilíbrio de tempos e momentos, condições de pagamento, evitar desperdícios, organizar a documentação e, o mais importante, a escolha de fornecedores, que envolve um dos canais de abertura da empresa a relações com outras empresas, outros empreendimentos. É a oportunidade de fazer com que boas compras sejam também boas relações e, assim, sejam boas desde uma perspectiva mais ampla: para as empresas sim, mas também para os fornecedores, para a sociedade e para o meio ambiente."
We are excited to be launching the Township Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Learning Labs aimed at supporting the development of township-based organizations providing support to small and growing businesses (SGBs) in these contexts that will address key challenges to the quality and effectiveness of services provided.