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"The purpose of this study is to shed light on the role that connections can play in helping green technology entrepreneurs innovate and scale up in developing countries, so as to inform the design of new public sector programs. Green technology entrepreneurs in developing countries need connection platforms for people, ideas, business models, transactions, as well as membership of expert communities. This study shows how cheaper, quicker and more efficient connections can be created among stakeholders of green technology innovation in developing countries. This is done through drawing insights from a variety of public and private programs that seek to promote connections between entrepreneurs in green technology and other sectors. The report is based on 14 case studies of different programs spanning more than 80 countries."


"Recognizing the critical importance of measurement and learning to the effectiveness and impact of both the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and the sector, CCA follows a clearly defined Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Framework. The Framework includes key elements such as CCA's Theory of Change, a set of standard indicators that CCA will use across its work and guidelines on conducting evaluations."


"This issue brief, part of a series published by ANDE in 2019, is designed to create a common knowledge base from which the Small and Growing Business (SGB) sector can work in the hopes of advancing towards selected development goals. SGBs will have to confront climate and environmental changes such as extreme weather and rapidly depleting natural resources as they affect their customers, operations, and supply chains. In light of these changes, this issue brief lays out the major environmental action topics and strategies for the SGB sector."


"Climate change will have its largest impacts on developing countries, with poor populations particularly hard hit and unable to adequately adapt. There is an opportunity for developing countries to pursue a complementary approach, emphasizing building up the capabilities of local firms to participate in the business opportunities surrounding climate change. Climate change therefore represents an opportunity for developing countries to build local green industries that can drive sustainable economic growth and provide environmental benefits.

This report offers insight to policy makers and other stakeholders seeking to develop competitive green industries in developing countries. It provides an overview and estimate of the market opportunity for climate and clean technology business in developing countries over the coming decade. It identifies which aspects of these markets are most accessible to local firms and to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in particular. Using a newly gathered set of firm data, it identifies which parts of the value chain are already being targeted by local industry. Finally, it provides a set of actions that can be considered for countries that intend to build up local green industries."


"Many Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) technologies fail to achieve their full potential impact due to low levels of adoption by smallholder farmers and difficulties in scaling CSA. This paper presents how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can act as change agents for the uptake of CSA technologies where their business models may be seen as adoption and scaling mechanisms. Drawing upon our fieldwork in Punjab (India) during which over 100 respondents have been interviewed, critical issues and enabling factors for the business model of two types of SMEs, i.e. farmer cooperatives and individual service providers of climate smart technologies have been identified. Enabling factors supporting adoption are driven by scientific and practical evidence of CSA technologies, good partnership between SMEs and research institutes, good customer relationships and effective channels through farmers' field trials. Critical issues consist of distortive government subsidies on energy and the lack of market intelligence affecting the profitability of the business model. Scaling is enhanced through market intelligence and a favouring regulatory landscape. However, difficult socio-economic circumstances and distortive government subsidies limit the role of SMEs business model as mechanism for scaling."


"Adapting from the Ground Up draws upon a growing body of research and projects on private sector adaptation. It shares examples from case studies of interventions in Cambodia, Nicaragua, Tajikistan, and Zimbabwe, which successfully catalyzed MSE investment in climate adaptation measures in the agriculture sector. The report also presents a number of shorter case studies from projects and initiatives in Benin, Cook Islands, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Namibia, Rwanda, and Tanzania. The report also describes the different elements that policymakers need to take into account when designing policies and interventions to catalyze MSE investment in adaptation."


"Esta série servirá como ponto de partida para impulsionar a conversa e moldar a estratégia da ANDE em relação a cada uma dessas áreas-chave, com o reconhecimento de que essa não é uma coleção aprofundada da pesquisa/literatura sobre esses tópicos.

As Pequenas Empresas em Crescimento (SGBs na sigla em inglês) inevitavelmente terão que enfrentar mudanças climáticas e ambientais que afetam seus clientes, operações e cadeias de suprimentos. O setor de Pequenas Empresas em Crescimento deve, portanto, desempenhar um papel proativo na promoção do ativismo ambiental. Este estudo apresenta os principais tópicos e estratégias de ação ambiental para o setor."