"Syngenta Foundation India (SFI), established in 2005, is an independent not-for-profit organisation. SFI’s mission is to have small and marginal farmers participate in agriculture development by improving their access to better seeds and other inputs, technology, information, credit and market access. In this context, SFI launched its Agri-Entrepreneur (AE) Program in 2014. Under the program a rural youth is trained as an entrepreneur who provides last mile services to a group of 150-200 farmers. Currently there are 1763 AEs under the program who are supporting over 2, 00,000 farmers across India.
Of the total AEs, 265 are women AEs who are currently active across 5 project locations, i.e; Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. The objective of the study was to understand the performance of women AEs and create an enabling environment to improve income and increase participation. The study methodology is based on the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods."
"This short guide outlines tips for how to apply a gender and inclusion lens while developing and reviewing communications materials. The intention is to provide basic guidance to a group of impact investors working as part of the “Investing in Women” initiative supported by Australian Aid’s DFAT program. It aims to serve as a starting point for thinking more deeply and critically about how gender inclusion and gender equality can be embedded into communications products and processes and coupled with gender-lens investing actions and processes that cut across entire operations of investment firms. Far from exhaustive, this guide is intentionally brief and designed to spur further research and inquiry."
"Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is implementing the project ‘Economic Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs and Start-ups by Women’ on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and in partnership with the Indian Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE), to promote aspiring and existing women entrepreneurs in India. Under the name of ‘Her&Now’, the project also implements a media campaign to tell the stories of successful women entrepreneurs and to foster a positive mindset change in society. In this framework, GIZ has conducted this study to: establish the current profile of and barriers facing women entrepreneurs; analyse promising sectors and regions across India for women-owned/led businesses; ascertain potential sectors that would generate income and employment for for women entrepreneurs; and provide recommendations for policymakers and implementing partner interventions on women entrepreneurship."
"Part of IFC’s Women on Boards and in Business Leadership Program, the publication features the inspirational personal stories of 20 female business leaders and their advice to other female professionals aspiring to top positions. It highlights the positive impact of their leadership on private sector development in emerging and frontier markets. It also provides key gender facts and data on the status of women on boards and in business leadership around the world."
"There are many ways in which investments can be made to address gender disparities and promote gender equity. Investors, managers, and businesses have various motivations and incentives when considering GLI. For this paper, we consider DAI’s work through the six “Gender Smart” lenses described below and discuss other frameworks and tools developed by GLI experts and investors."
"While the rise of the internet and online hiring practices can increase access to job opportunities for historically disadvantaged groups, an upsurge in the number of applications can lead managers to intentionally or unintentionally rely more heavily on demographic-based stereotypes. This type of discrimination is a challenge globally, and to counter these tendencies new and innovative tools are needed to reduce bias. We look specifically at the challenge of reducing gender bias in Indian hiring. Using data on hiring for full-time professional jobs in India from Shortlist, a hiring firm that is a leader in using bias-mitigating tools, we consider the validity of the global literature on gender discrimination in the Indian context.rm that is a leader in using bias-mitigating tools, we consider the validity of the global literature on gender discrimination in the Indian context."
"A publicação 'Somos Empreendedoras' tem como objetivo contar a história de 25 empreendedoras brasileiras, celebrando as mesmas que, Ã sua maneira, desenvolvem, transformam suas habilidades e contextos de vida em
oportunidades para criar negócios e prosperar. O intuito é que os relatos tragam lições acerca da jornada empreendedora dessas mulheres e estimulem outras."
"Download this study to learn about:
- The experience of the United States, Europe and other countries in channeling more than $2.2 billion in gender lens investing.
- The gaps and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean to attract international investors.
- Success stories of companies in Mexico, Colombia, Panama and Brazil that are leading this trend."
"Esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar os principais desafios de empregabilidade que a população em situação de vulnerabilidade econômica no Brasil enfrenta e mapear oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de negócios de impacto social que possam apoiar a redução das desigualdades e trazer melhorias à s vidas dessas pessoas."
"Para entender melhor como as discriminações legais afetam o emprego e o empreendedorismo das mulheres, o estudo Mulheres, Empresas e o Direito 2019: uma Década de Reformas examina dez anos de dados por meio de um índice estruturado com base nas decisões econômicas tomadas pelas mulheres ao longo de suas vidas profissionais. O índice explora como as leis afetam as decisões econômicas tomadas por mulheres de diversos perfis - desde uma jovem de 25 anos que acabou de conseguir seu primeiro emprego, ou uma mãe que concilia o trabalho e a criação dos filhos, até a mulher que está prestes a se aposentar."