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"What does the SME landscape look like in Morocco? What are the challenges faced by the different types of local enterprises and what financial and non-financial services exist to address those? Get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Morocco by reading this new report."


"The GIIN conducted this pilot research study to assess the annualized impact performance of direct impact investments in clean energy access and housing, two sectors in which impact investors have a relatively long track record of activity and generally align to standardized metrics sets. At each stage of the research process, a cohort of study participants and advisors offered guidance and input."


"The study was commissioned to get a better understanding of the 'missing middle' in francophone West Africa, of which Guinea is one of the focus countries. The report describes the main factors that hamper growth of SMEs in Guinea and limit their access to growth finance, and suggests possible actions to increase their access to funding. The analysis of the ecosystem is based on six domains which are: Culture, Policy, Markets, Finance, Support, and Human Capital."


"Over the past decade, a dynamic domestic entrepreneurial scene has emerged in Cambodia, buoyed by consistently strong economic growth. Though a relatively small country, the number of investors and business support service providers operating in the Kingdom has increased dramatically in the past two years. As in its economic peer countries, Government, businesses and development partners are increasingly looking to domestic entrepreneurs to drive innovation and continued economic growth. In this context, the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) undertook a diagnostic study of the Cambodian entrepreneurial ecosystem with a deeper evaluation of the financial offering for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)."


"The business landscape in Lao PDR consists of a few large firms in a relatively small number of industries, with many small and micro businesses in both urban and rural areas that remain largely informal. The Government of Lao PDR (GoL) has begun a series of reforms to support growth and formalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This includes enterprises in the “missing middle”: those that have outgrown microfinance but are not yet covered by commercial bank financing. These enterprises are important for the diversification of the Lao economy, employment generation and poverty reduction. In the last few years especially, young Laotians have increasingly discovered entrepreneurship and seized opportunities for startups in Lao PDR, following the success stories they have seen throughout the region. In this context, the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) undertook a diagnostic study of the Lao PDR entrepreneurial ecosystem with a deeper evaluation of the financial offering available for SMEs."