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O termo gestão de talentos pode ser definido de várias maneiras, mas, em geral, se refere aos processos de uma empresa para recrutar, desenvolver e reter funcionários cujas funções têm o maior potencial de contribuição para a vantagem competitiva de uma empresa. Este relatório resume a literatura existente sobre gestão de talentos em SMEs, com foco nas economias em desenvolvimento – sempre que possível – e aponta para lacunas específicas de pesquisa que devem ser priorizadas no futuro.


El término de gestión de talento puede definirse de varias maneras, pero en general se refiere a los procesos de un negocio para reclutar, desarrollar y retener a personas empleadas cuyos roles tienen el mayor potencial para sumar a la ventaja competitiva de la empresa. Este reporte resume la literatura existente sobre la gestión de talento en las PyMEs con un enfoque en las economías en desarrollo donde es posible, y señala vacíos específicos en la investigación que deben ser priorizados en el futuro.


Les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux comprennent l’ensemble des éléments culturels, politiques et économiques qui permettent aux entrepreneurs de lancer, soutenir et développer une nouvelle affaire. Si le concept d’écosystème entrepreneurial est bien établi, la base de données probantes sur la manière exacte dont les écosystèmes se développent et sur la question à savoir si les interventions peuvent accélérer cette croissance est toujours en cours d’élaboration. Ce rapport synthétise les données existantes sur le processus complexe de création d’écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux et propose des enseignements clés tirés de la documentation.


Ecossistemas empreendedores compreendem o conjunto de elementos culturais, políticos e econômicos que permitem aos empreendedores iniciar, sustentar e expandir um novo negócio. Embora o conceito de ecossistema empreendedor esteja bem estabelecido, a base de evidências sobre como exatamente os ecossistemas crescem e se as intervenções podem acelerar esse crescimento ainda está emergindo. Este relatório resume as evidências existentes sobre o complexo processo de construção de ecossistemas empreendedores e oferece lições importantes da literatura.


Los ecosistemas de emprendimiento comprenden un conjunto de elementos culturales, políticos y económicos que permiten a las y los emprendedores iniciar, sostener y escalar un nuevo negocio. Mientras que el concepto de ecosistema de emprendimiento está bien establecido, la base de la evidencia sobre cómo crecen exactamente los ecosistemas y sobre si las intervenciones pueden acelerar este crecimiento es aún emergente. Este informe sintetiza la evidencia existente sobre el complejo proceso de construir ecosistemas de emprendimiento y ofrece lecciones clave a partir de la literatura.


Entrepreneurial ecosystems comprise the set of cultural, political, and economic elements that allow entrepreneurs to start, sustain, and scale a new business. While the concept of an entrepreneurial ecosystem is well-established, the evidence base on how exactly ecosystems grow and whether interventions can accelerate this growth is still emerging. This report synthesizes the existing evidence on the complex process of building entrepreneurial ecosystems and offers key lessons from the literature.


Com o lançamento dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas, o "ODS 8: Trabalho Decente e Crescimento Econômico" tornou-se um grito de guerra para os profissionais que buscam impulsionar o empreendedorismo como meio de desenvolvimento econômico e social. No entanto, embora o conceito de trabalho decente possa parecer direto, definir claramente um “trabalho de qualidade” se mostrou uma tarefa complexa. O relatório primeiro resume como a qualidade de vida no trabalho é definida e mensurada, em seguida, fornece uma visão geral das evidências atuais sobre a qualidade dos empregos em SMEs e, por fim, examina a eficácia das intervenções para melhorar a qualidade de vida no trabalho.


Business startup and growth is an important pathway to industry leadership and the
creation of personal wealth, as well as a key source of job creation, innovation and
economic growth. In this sense, women’s entrepreneurship can provide a means to
more rapidly advance gender equality in industries, communities and countries around
the world. The GEM 2020 Adult Population Survey ran from April through August
2020 and offered an important opportunity to examine pandemic impacts on women
entrepreneurs, in addition to an analysis of global trends. This year, we also invited GEM
researchers from around the world to contribute chapters on women’s entrepreneurship.
This year’s GEM Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Report has three main aims:
1. Identify key gender differences and similarities in business stages and
motivations. We identify countries and regions where gender gaps may be
significant and where they may be closing. All of these trends are considered across
countries, geographic regions and levels of national income.
2. Examine the structural and cultural factors that influence women’s
entrepreneurship. This analysis includes demographic characteristics (age,
education, household income), business characteristics and cultural factors,
such as cultural perceptions and high-growth activities that influence women’s
entrepreneurship in complex ways across regions, countries and levels of national
3. Analyse how women entrepreneurs were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In doing this analysis of the pandemic’s impact, we allow comparisons across the
country and regional contexts, taking into account the level of income by country as
an important indicator of economic development.
Our findings offer insights to a diverse audience of researchers, policymakers, educators
and practitioners. Our ultimate goal is to highlight areas where there are still gaps,
challenges and opportunities, where women entrepreneurs have made significant
progress and where the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their business performance and


SMEs form a dominant share of the private sector in developing countries, and account for more than 50
percent of jobs in their respective economies. Besides their positive employment effects, the growth and
vibrancy of these firms is also important for broader economic growth, diversification of economic base
and as a source of innovation that is exhibited by some of the start-ups. Women-owned SMEs are
emerging as one of the fast growing segments within the SME sector. Youth play an important role in the
creation of new firms and start up activities. Given this importance of SMEs for creation of more, better
and inclusive jobs, there is significant focus on understanding the constraints to growth of this sector and
implementing programs to address them in the World Bank Group and the other development
institutions. Among the several constraints that they face, access to finance is usually cited as the most
important and there are several instruments that can be applied to address this constraint. However, what
is the evidence of impact of these programs on the employment effects? This note brings together the
learnings and evidence from access to finance interventions on employment and provides some
recommendations for development practitioners who seek to maximize this objective from their access
to finance interventions.


This paper investigates to what extent and how micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries are adapting to climate risks. We use a questionnaire survey to collect data from 325 SMEs in the semi-arid regions of Kenya and Senegal and analyze this information to estimate the quality of current adaptation measures, distinguishing between sustainable and unsustainable adaptation. We then study the link between these current adaptation practices and adaptation planning for future climate change. We find that financial barriers are a key reason why firms resort to unsustainable adaptation, while general business support, access to information technology and adaptation assistance encourages sustainable adaptation responses. Engaging in adaptation today also increases the likelihood that a firm is preparing for future climate change. The finding lends support to the strategy of many development agencies who use adaptation to current climate variability as a way of building resilience to future climate change. There is a clear role for public policy in facilitating good adaptation. The ability of firms to respond to climate risks depends in no small measure on factors such as business environment that can be shaped through policy intervention.