Latin America & Caribbean

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"Entrepreneurship is often touted as a solution to many economic and social development challenges that developing countries face. While Honduras lags in some key areas, including entrepreneurial attitudes, abilities, and aspirations, there is a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem developing to help existing MSMEs thrive and support the development of new ventures. This report aims to take stock of the current support mechanisms directed toward entrepreneurs in rural areas in Honduras. The following sections offer insights based on data collected from organizations that support entrepreneurs in rural areas of the country."


"A medida que la población rural sigue disminuyendo y el panorama económico del país sigue evolucionando, es importante entender cómo estos cambios afectan a uno de los pilares del empleo y a la actividad económica en la región: las y los emprendedores rurales. Este reporte busca examinar los actuales mecanismos de apoyo dirigidos a las y los emprendedores de las zonas rurales de El Salvador. Las siguientes secciones ofrecen perspectivas basadas en información obtenida de organizaciones que apoyan a las y los emprendedores en zonas rurales del país."


"As the rural population continues to decline and the country’s economic landscape continues to evolve, it is important to understand how these shifts affect one of the backbones of employment and economic activity in the region – rural entrepreneurs. This report aims to take stock of the current support mechanisms directed toward entrepreneurs in rural areas in El Salvador. The following sections offer insights based on data collected from organizations that support entrepreneurs in rural areas of the country"


"El presente documento es una guía que contiene la mayoría de los recursos disponibles para consulta en temas de medición de impacto. Con esta guía, pretendemos facilitar el proceso de consulta e investigación de las organizaciones intermediarias y los emprendedores del sector."


"The Adaptation SME Accelerator Program (ASAP) aims to enhance the availability and uptake of climate adaptation solutions by identifying, engaging and empowering SMEs providing such solutions in developing countries."


"This report was commissioned as a product of the working partnership between Root Capital and Value for Women, with the support of the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs and the International Development Research Center. The main objective of this partnership is to build evidence around innovations for gender inclusion within small- and medium-sized agricultural enterprises globally."


"O estudo aproxima o conceito usado pela ANDE de “Pequenas Empresas em Crescimento” ou “Small and Growing Businesses” dos conceitos praticados aqui no Brasil pelo BNDES, IBGE, Receita Federal e Sebrae no setor de empreendedorismo. Além disso, apresenta exemplos de SGBs alinhadas às áreas foco da ANDE, bem como de organizações de apoio ao empreendedorismo no Norte e Nordeste e com foco em periferias, para ilustrar o rico universo deste campo empresarial em regiões onde a ANDE tem interesse específico."


"Si bien la literatura existente ha encontrado que los programas de aceleración tienen un efecto positivo en el crecimiento de nuevas empresas, investigaciones recientes han mostrado que aún hay una demanda significativa de capital financiero, particularmente en economías en desarrollo. Existen pocos estudios enfocados a cómo las aceleradoras (especialmente las que no invierten directamente en sus empresas) conectan con proveedores de financiamiento y qué tan efectivos resultan estos esfuerzos. La Iniciativa Global de Aprendizaje en Aceleración (GALI, por sus siglas en inglés), una colaboración entre la Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE por sus siglas en inglés) y la Universidad Emory, fue creada para explorar preguntas como ésta. Entre 2013 y 2020, GALI ha colaborado con docenas de programas de aceleración para recolectar información detallada de las y los emprendedores que solicitaron ingreso a sus respectivos programas. Posteriormente, estos(as) emprendedores(as) (incluyendo quienes no fueron seleccionados para un programa de aceleración) fueron encuestados cada año para obtener datos valiosos sobre el desarrollo de sus negocios a lo largo de tiempo. Este informe explora y presenta la información de GALI para emprendimientos centroamericanos"


"While studies have found that acceleration does, in the aggregate, have a positive effect on new venture growth, further investigation has shown that there is significant unmet need for financial capital, particularly in developing economies. Little investigation has been done on how accelerators (particularly those that do not invest in their ventures directly) make connections with finance providers and whether these efforts are effective. The Global Accelerator Learning Initiative (GALI), a partnership between the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and Emory University, was created to explore questions such as these. Between 2013 – 2020, GALI partnered with dozens of accelerator programs to collect detailed data from entrepreneurs who applied to their respective application processes. These entrepreneurs, including those not selected into a program, were then resurveyed annually to gather valuable follow-up data about the status of their ventures over time. This knowledge brief explores GALI data from Central American startups, as well as qualitative insights from accelerators and finance providers."


"Globally, the literature on public sector experiences with GRP is limited. This report aims to contribute to the current knowledge base on how governments can better support women entrepreneurs and WLBs who seek to sell to the government. Most of the examples and case studies in this report come specifically from Chile, the Dominican Republic, and the City of Buenos Aires, which have developed GRP programs and are at different stages of implementation."