Latin America & Caribbean

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"Para entender melhor como as discriminações legais afetam o emprego e o empreendedorismo das mulheres, o estudo Mulheres, Empresas e o Direito 2019: uma Década de Reformas examina dez anos de dados por meio de um índice estruturado com base nas decisões econômicas tomadas pelas mulheres ao longo de suas vidas profissionais. O índice explora como as leis afetam as decisões econômicas tomadas por mulheres de diversos perfis - desde uma jovem de 25 anos que acabou de conseguir seu primeiro emprego, ou uma mãe que concilia o trabalho e a criação dos filhos, até a mulher que está prestes a se aposentar."


"A publicação 'Somos Empreendedoras' tem como objetivo contar a história de 25 empreendedoras brasileiras, celebrando as mesmas que, à sua maneira, desenvolvem, transformam suas habilidades e contextos de vida em
oportunidades para criar negócios e prosperar. O intuito é que os relatos tragam lições acerca da jornada empreendedora dessas mulheres e estimulem outras."


"O estudo, de natureza descritivo-exploratória, busca compreender as condições necessárias para o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade financeira de organizações que oferecem apoio a empreendimentos de impacto. Entre seus objetivos específicos estão:
- Compreender o que os gestores dessas organizações entendem sobre sustentabilidade financeira.
- Identificar características organizacionais, de funcionamento e de atuação que influenciam a sustentabilidade financeira.
- Compreender projetos futuros, fatores limitantes e potencializadores para a consolidação da sustentabilidade financeira das OEIs.
- Identificar o impacto da COVID-19 na sustentabilidade financeira das OEIs e dos negócios apoiados.
- Identificar oportunidades de ação a partir do cenário estudado."


"Recent research shows that start-ups are important for job creation, but these firms are also inherently volatile. We use linked employer-employee data to examine the relative importance of firm age and firm size for job creation and destruction in Brazil. Firm age is a more important determinant of job creation in Brazil than firm size; young firms and star-ups create a relatively high number of jobs. However, young firms are also more likely to exit the market and have higher levels of employment volatility. We, therefore, condition the job creation analysis on job stability. Young firms and large firms create relatively more stable jobs in Brazil."


"High-growth entrepreneurship has been demonstrated to be a catalyst for high socio-economic impact influence. Although just 5% to 7% of all American businesses are high-impact, these businesses create most of the new jobs in the United States. Similarly, according to a 2012 Endeavor report, high-growth entrepreneurial companies annually generate 30 more jobs than the average comparable company. High-growth entrepreneurs create jobs, inspire existing and would-be entrepreneurs to invest in their communities, and contribute to their entrepreneurial ecosystems to generate new businesses. Though each entrepreneur and each company are different, all share one thing in common: their exceptional leadership, which allows them to realize their vision and transmit their passion to their teams, investors, and communities. In the Latin American and Caribbean region, little is known about high-growth entrepreneurs and even less is known about women whose companies achieve high growth: Who are they? How did they succeed in reaching this level of growth? What motivates them? What are their biggest challenges and ambitions? What do they need to keep their businesses growing? This report aims to collect information to get to know them better and to explore common aspects of women whose businesses have experienced high levels of growth (referred to as high-growth women entrepreneurs onwards in this report)."


"This report summarizes a more comprehensive assessment undertaken in 2017 which examined the characteristics of women-led, small and growing businesses (SGBs) in Mexico. Aimed at understanding Mexico's current entrepreneurial ecosystem and the financial and non-financial barriers facing female entrepreneurs, the assessment offered recommendations for how different actors can support women entrepreneurs. Available to a wide audience as a learning report, this summary assessment contributes valuable insights into how a broader set of actors implementing services and programmes for women entrepreneurs can improve their support to women in their entrepreneurship endeavours in Mexico and beyond."


"This report, designed for international development organizations, governments, and financial institutions, does the following: 1) highlights the key barriers facing women-led small enterprises across the developing world; 2) identifies how hidden gender and ethnic biases impact the growth of women-led businesses; 3) presents the results of a pilot case study in Guatemala inspired by a novel methodology, first applied to mortgage lending in the United States, that seeks to test for bias in bank-lending decisions for small enterprises; and 4) provides recommendations for policymakers and financial institutions on how this methodology can be applied in developing countries."


"This report was published as part of an interest in expanding knowledge and contribution to create a more enabling environment for inclusive business. The intentions of this are: firstly, to illustrate how the consideration of BoP communities exclusively through their income levels is limiting and can be misleading for practitioners; and secondly, to develop a series of recommendations to governments and public institutions on how to create an enabling environment for inclusive business models."


"This toolbox is the result of a collaborative process between Practical Action and the Institute of Socio-Economic Research of the Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo" (IISEC-UCB). The complementarity of visions and action areas reflects in an innovative proposal that aims to respond to a frequent and growing need by non governmental organizations: to measure the impact of gender-focused actions promoted by development projects, in this case productive."


"A randomized control trial with 432 small and medium enterprises in Mexico shows positive impact of access to 1 year of management consulting services on total factor productivity and return on assets. Owners also had an increase in "entrepreneurial spirit" (an index that measures entrepreneurial confidence and goal setting). Using Mexican social security data, we find a persistent large increase (about 50 percent) in the number of employees and total wage bill even 5 years after the program. We document large heterogeneity in the specific managerial practices that improved as a result of the consulting, with the most prominent being marketing, financial accounting, and long-term business planning."