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"Salaried wage jobs are the distinguishing feature separating the middle class from the poor in
developing countries (Banerjee and Duflo 2008). Where do salaried wage jobs come from, and
how can small and medium-sized firms create more of them? We review the evidence on
constraints to growth of small and medium enterprises. We first examine evidence on
constraints to capital and skilled labor, firms’ primary inputs to production. We then consider
factors that affect the efficiency with which firms are able to transform inputs into outputs,
focusing on managerial talent. Finally, we look at the importance of linking firms to markets
and the role of demand in generating firm growth. We conclude with a proposal for a research
agenda built around important but unanswered questions. "


"With the support of the Australian Government, GALI is working to increase understanding of acceleration and early-stage ventures in the Asia-Pacific. This knowledge brief includes application and one-year follow-up data from 473 ventures operating in emerging markets in the Asia-Pacific region to better understand short-term impacts and key challenges. In addition, three accelerators from the region are profiled to give a closer look at how programs are adapting to meet local needs."


"Over the last decade, the maturation of the business landscape has opened new opportunities in Africa, especially the entry of accelerator and incubator programs (AIPs). These AIPs are consistently adapting their models to respond to the ever-changing needs of the ventures they support, and there is a need for existing literature to keep abreast with this dynamism in order to strengthen programming and the ecosystems in which AIPs operate. This knowledge brief explores characteristics of AIPs in East Africa, focusing specifically on Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. It highlights existing practices and perceptions among AIPs to better establish a common understanding of the current AIP landscape, best practices, and key challenges."


"The question of if and how business support programmes – particularly accelerators and incubators – can play a role in entrepreneurial growth in South Africa is at top of mind for donors and government alike. And while there is some evidence that these programmes do have an impact on early-stage businesses, there is less clarity on how they can best serve the needs of often-overlooked women entrepreneurs. This brief provides a regional review of the intersection of gender and acceleration in South Africa, drawing on GALI’s global findings while highlighting primary analysis of entrepreneur data collected by Catalyst for Growth (C4G), a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) platform for programme monitoring, analytics, and reporting in South Africa."


"In the GALI dataset, approximately one-third of ventures based in Mexico that applied to accelerators had already participated in a similar program. GALI produced this knowledge brief, with the support of Citibanamex, to better understand the incremental benefits that entrepreneurs receive by attending multiple programs as well as how entrepreneurs and accelerators view this phenomenon."


"GALI is working to increase understanding of acceleration and early stage ventures in the Andean region. This data summary includes information from 873 ventures operating in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, contributed by 53 accelerator programs."


"With the support of the Australian Government, GALI is working to increase understanding of acceleration and early stage ventures in Asia-Pacific. This data summary includes information from 845 ventures operating in Asia-Pacific, contributed by 71 accelerator programs."


"GALI is working to increase understanding of acceleration and early stage ventures in Brazil. This data summary includes information from 843 ventures operating in Brazil, contributed by 35 accelerator programs."


"Este documento é um guia estratégico desenvolvido pela Argidius Foundation e Dalberg Advisors para apoiar organizações de apoio a empreendedores (Business Development Services ou BDS na sigla em ingês) para a adoção efetiva de práticas e ferramentas digitais. O guia explora as práticas e oportunidades atuais em todo o setor para orientar organizações de apoio a empreendedores sobre o uso de tecnologias digitais para prestar serviços aos empreendedores de forma eficaz e inclusiva."


"Nos últimos cinco anos, a GALI tem coletado dados sobre aceleradoras ao redor do mundo e empreendedores que buscam seus apoios, com foco especial em aceleradoras operando em economias em desenvolvimento. Ao analisar esses dados e entrevistar dezenas de indivíduos sobre suas experiências com aceleradoras, o projeto conseguiu divulgar mais de 30 publicações sobre assuntos incluindo a eficácia das aceleradoras, o papel do
gênero no desempenho dos fundadores de startups, a aceleração em diferentes regiões, fontes de financiamento de aceleradoras, entre outros. Esse relatório serve como uma síntese das descobertas mais importantes dessa pesquisa, com contribuições práticas para gestores dos programas de aceleração, empreendedores, fundadores, investidores e outros stakeholders que apoiam e estão engajados com aceleradoras ao redor do mundo."