"For the past five years, GALI has been collecting data on accelerators around the world and the entrepreneurs who seek their support, with a particular focus on accelerators operating in developing economies. By analyzing these data and interviewing dozens of individuals about their experiences with acceleration, the project has been able to release over 30 publications on acceleration and early-stage entrepreneurship. This report serves as a synthesis of the most salient findings from this research, with actionable insights for accelerator program managers, entrepreneurs, funders, investors, and other stakeholders who support and engage accelerators around the world."
"El Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report señala que, entre los países latinoamericanos, en Guatemala es particularmente común que se perciba el emprendimiento como una buena oportunidad para generar ingresos, y que “cuentan con el conocimiento, las habilidades y la experiencia necesarias para empezar un negocio, además de tener la menor proporción de temor al fracaso.” Sin embargo, no es claro qué tan prevalentes son estas
percepciones en áreas urbanas en comparación con áreas rurales."
"According to a recent Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report, among Latin American countries Guatemalans are particularly likely to view entrepreneurship as a good opportunity to generate income. This report also states that the adult population in Guatemala has the right mix of knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to start a business and that few express fear of failure as an impediment to starting a business, relative to individuals in other countries in the region."
"El emprendimiento se ha visto como una solución para muchos de los desafíos económicos y de desarrollo social que enfrentan los países en desarrollo. Mientras Honduras se queda atrás en algunas áreas clave, incluyendo actitudes, habilidades y aspiraciones de emprendimiento, se está desarrollando ecosistema emprendedor dinámico para ayudar a crecer a las MiPyMes existentes y apoyar el surgimiento de nuevas empresas. Este reporte busca hacer una evaluación de los mecanismos de apoyo actuales dirigidos a las y los emprendedores en zonas rurales en Honduras. Las siguientes secciones ofrecen perspectivas basadas en datos recopilados de organizaciones que apoyan a las y los emprendedores en zonas rurales del país.
"Entrepreneurship is often touted as a solution to many economic and social development challenges that developing countries face. While Honduras lags in some key areas, including entrepreneurial attitudes, abilities, and aspirations, there is a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem developing to help existing MSMEs thrive and support the development of new ventures. This report aims to take stock of the current support mechanisms directed toward entrepreneurs in rural areas in Honduras. The following sections offer insights based on data collected from organizations that support entrepreneurs in rural areas of the country."
"A medida que la población rural sigue disminuyendo y el panorama económico del país sigue evolucionando, es importante entender cómo estos cambios afectan a uno de los pilares del empleo y a la actividad económica en la región: las y los emprendedores rurales. Este reporte busca examinar los actuales mecanismos de apoyo dirigidos a las y los emprendedores de las zonas rurales de El Salvador. Las siguientes secciones ofrecen perspectivas basadas en información obtenida de organizaciones que apoyan a las y los emprendedores en zonas rurales del país."
"As the rural population continues to decline and the country’s economic landscape continues to evolve, it is important to understand how these shifts affect one of the backbones of employment and economic activity in the region – rural entrepreneurs. This report aims to take stock of the current support mechanisms directed toward entrepreneurs in rural areas in El Salvador. The following sections offer insights based on data collected from organizations that support entrepreneurs in rural areas of the country"
"Entrepreneurship is an essential driver of societal health and wealth. It is also a formidable engine of economic growth. It promotes the essential innovation required not only to exploit new opportunities, promote productivity, and create employment, but to also address some of society’s greatest challenges, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the economic shock wave created by the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic. The promotion of entrepreneurship will be central to multiple governments worldwide for the foreseeable future, especially considering the significant negative impacts on economies due to the pandemic. Governments and other stakeholders will increasingly need hard, robust and credible data to make key decisions that stimulate sustainable forms of entrepreneurship and promote healthy entrepreneurial ecosystems worldwide. During its 22 years of existence, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) has repeatedly contributed to such efforts. For example, in this report, GEM is — as it has after other crises — providing policymakers with valuable insights on how to best foster entrepreneurship to propel growth and prosperity once again."
"The year 2020 has been incredibly challenging for the global community. The spread of the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, has led to an unparalleled health crisis in countries across the world. The crisis has had unprecedented and serious impacts on all aspects of how people communicate, work, produce, trade, consume and live. The economic ramifications of the pandemic quickly became apparent, and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have been on the front lines. With workers and customers staying indoors, and supply chains tested by shutdowns, the small companies that provide 70% of jobs in countries around the world and about half of economic activity have been put under stress."
"O estudo aproxima o conceito usado pela ANDE de “Pequenas Empresas em Crescimento” ou “Small and Growing Businesses” dos conceitos praticados aqui no Brasil pelo BNDES, IBGE, Receita Federal e Sebrae no setor de empreendedorismo. Além disso, apresenta exemplos de SGBs alinhadas às áreas foco da ANDE, bem como de organizações de apoio ao empreendedorismo no Norte e Nordeste e com foco em periferias, para ilustrar o rico universo deste campo empresarial em regiões onde a ANDE tem interesse específico."