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"A Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) lançou o Fundo Avançado para o Empoderamento das Mulheres (AWEF, na sigla em inglês) em 2019 com o apoio da Visa Foundation e da Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID). O objetivo geral dos projetos financiados pelo AWEF é abordar a lacuna de gênero para financiamento para pequenas empresas em crescimento (SGBs)1 pertencentes a mulheres em economias em desenvolvimento. A primeira rodada de grantmaking, a AWEF Asia, financiou oito organizações de apoio a empreendedores (ESOs) no Camboja, Vietnã, Mianmar, Filipinas, Paquistão e Índia, bem como programas que servem a região como um todo."


"L’Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) a lancé l’Advancing Women’s Empowerment Fund (AWEF) en 2019 avec le soutien de la Fondation Visa et de l’Agence Américaine pour le Développement International (USAID). L’objectif global des projets financés par l’AWEF est de combler l’écart de financement entre les sexes pour les petites entreprises en croissance (PEC) tenues par des femmes dans les économies en développement. La première série de subventions, AWEF Asie, a financé huit organisations de soutien aux entrepreneurs (OSE) au Cambodge, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan et en Inde, ainsi que des programmes desservant la région dans son ensemble."


"La Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE, por sus siglas en inglés) lanzó el Fondo para el Avance del Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (AWEF, por sus siglas en inglés) en 2019 con apoyo de la Fundación Visa y la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). La meta general de los proyectos fundados por el AWEF es abordar la brecha de género en términos de financiamiento para pequeños negocios en crecimiento (PEC)1 propiedad de mujeres en economías en desarrollo. La primera ronda de entrega de donativos, AWEF Asia, financió a ocho organizaciones de apoyo a emprendedores (OAE) en Camboya, Vietnam, Myanmar, Filipinas, Pakistán e India, así como programas apoyando a la región en su conjunto."


"En 2019, l’ANDE a annoncé un partenariat passionnant avec l’USAID et la Fondation Visa pour lancer l’ANDE Gender Equality Initiative (AGEI), qui vise à soutenir les femmes en tant que dirigeantes, employées et consommatrices dans le secteur des marchés émergents de PEC. En tant que projet pilote dans le cadre de l’AGEI, chacune des huit sections régionales de l’ANDE a accueilli un Action Lab de 9 à 12 mois sur l’Égalité des Sexes. L’Action Lab de ANDE utilise un processus de conception participative dans lequel un groupe de parties prenantes régionales, ayant une expérience et une expertise profondes et diverses sur une question, se réunit pour définir les problèmes, puis créer et tester ensemble des solutions  potentielles."


"En el 2019, ANDE anunció una alianza con USAID y la Fundación Visa para lanzar la Iniciativa de Igualdad de Género de ANDE (AGEI, por sus siglas en inglés), la cual busca apoyar a las mujeres como líderes, emprendedoras, empleadas y consumidoras en PECs de mercados emergentes. Como proyecto piloto a cargo de AGEI, cada uno de los ocho capítulos regionales de ANDE sostuvo un Action Lab de Igualdad de Género con una duración de 9 a 12 meses. Los Action Lab de ANDE utilizan un proceso de diseño participativo en el que un grupo de actores regionales, con amplia y diversa experiencia sobre un tema específico, se reúne para definir problemas para después crear y testear potenciales soluciones en conjunto."


"In 2019, ANDE announced an exciting partnership with USAID and the Visa Foundation to launch the ANDE Gender Equality Initiative (AGEI), which aims to support women as leaders, employees, and consumers in the emerging market SGB sector. As a pilot project under AGEI, each of ANDE’s eight regional chapters hosted a 9-12 month Gender Equality Action Lab. ANDE’s Action Lab uses a participatory design process in which a group of regional stakeholders, with deep and diverse experience and expertise on an issue, gather to define problems and then create and test potential solutions together."


"In this document, the Platform on Sustainable Finance proposes a structure for a social taxonomy within the present EU legislative environment on sustainable finance and sustainable governance. This environment currently consists of:
(i) the existing legislation and proposed initiatives on the EU taxonomy; (ii) the proposed corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD); (iii) the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation; and (iv) the sustainable corporate-governance (SCG) initiative. Although all these pieces of legislation influence this report, the focus of this work was above all on the present structure of the environmental taxonomy, a point which was even more stressed when public feedback highlighted that market participants expected a common structure for social and environment"


"The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) launched the Advancing Women’s Empowerment Fund (AWEF) in 2019 with support from the Visa Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The overall goal of AWEF-funded projects is to address the gender financing gap for women-owned small and growing businesses (SGBs) in developing economies. The first round of grantmaking, AWEF Asia, funded eight entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) in Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, the Philippines, Pakistan, and India, as well as programs serving the region as a whole. This report summarizes the lessons learned from these grants."


"This assessment was conducted by a mixed international-local team with youth participation, and is the first of a series of labor market assessments to be conducted under the Workforce Connections project. The methodology builds on standard approaches to understanding labor markets used in the past by USAID, other donors, governments, and private organizations, with the addition of a more focused economic analysis which makes it possible to generate deeper insight into the drivers of skills demand. Results from this and the other Workforce Connections assessments, and the tools used to generate them, will be shared and further refined through the project's Community of Practice over the coming year. The assessment also contains a summary of lessons learned about workforce development programming."


"In 2021, ACT Foundation Research Team set out to capture the landscape of technology adoption for African non-profits. We surveyed over 400 social impact professionals to understand the current state of technology adoption within their organizations and to assess their digital readiness. In this report, we explored the digital investment landscape and investigated the barriers to greater technology adoption. We also attempted to identify areas of support needs across the sector."