"We are pleased to share with the impact community our review of 150 impact investing platforms, networks and organizations that promote, support or convene investors in the impact finance area. Prompted by our own experience as investors, technologists, and system designers, we were interested in better understanding prevailing business models and motivations for sharing (or hoarding!) data, innovations, and investors. Our analysis builds on ongoing work to design and develop an interoperable, global, modular, distributed, and democratic infrastructure for mobilizing data, innovations, and capital at the volume and velocity required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Our purpose, in addition to providing an overview of the platform landscape, is to identify opportunities for alignment of prospective partners, around the strategy, design and implementation for such global impact infrastructure; and explore scenarios for collective action."
"Drawing on available academic literature and policy evaluation studies, the report aims to identify the impact of public support through equity instruments on firm performance, and puts forward main lessons on policy design and implementation. It employs a mixed- method approach based on evaluation synthesis (Edler at al. 2008)."
"O capítulo andino e o capítulo brasileiro criaram um relatório em conjunto que fornece uma visão geral do setor de inclusão financeira na América Latina, com foco no México e no Brasil. O relatório inclui um infográfico do cenário da inclusão financeira nos dois países, usando fatos e números apresentados ao longo de nossas reuniões e mesas-redondas do Learning Lab de Métricas.
Além disso, o relatório apresenta 3 tópicos relevantes sobre inclusão financeira: produtos e serviços financeiros centrados no usuário, infraestrutura necessária para acesso aos serviços financeiros e educação financeira. Cada tópico oferece uma introdução por especialistas e estudos de caso de diversos projetos na América Latina."
"This study explores how the social entrepreneurship ecosystem can unite to develop an action plan on gender lens incubation and investing for enterprises focused on the low income market segment in India. It takes an international perspective with a geographical focus on India an emerging leader in innovation for the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) and is supported by examples of such innovative high impact, sustainable enterprises."
"This handbook provides investors, businesses and private sector development practitioners with an overview of tools and methods for effective and appropriately tailored data collection for impact measurement and management. It builds on the recognition that the methods of larger, independent impact evaluations of, for example, government-funded programmes rarely lend themselves well to a private sector context. In reviewing select private sector-relevant tools and methods, it draws out how such tools can deliver impact insights while often feeding valuable business intelligence back into companies."
"I present a model of financing social enterprises to delineate the role of impact investors relative to "pure" philanthropists. I characterize the optimal scale and structure of a social enterprise when financed by grants and when financed by investments. The analysis yields two heuristics to guide impact investors. First, investments allow a financier to discipline inefficient spending. Second, investments may enable a social enterprise to exploit new opportunities for profit and may increase the enterprise's scale relative to when grant financed. I quantify these heuristics for the case of Husk Power, a social enterprise that has received impact investment."
"This primer provides family enterprises with clear explanations of the "why," "how," and "what" of impact investing. The following pages will illuminate the diversity of the impact investing marketplace as it exists today, and provide families with a basic understanding of how they can start making more impact investments more effectively."
"A commonly held belief among investors is that impact investing-adding environmental, social or governance criteria to the investment selection process-will require a trade-off in performance. Though this may have been true in the early days of impact investing, the space has evolved significantly in the last decade.
In this paper, we will evaluate current impact investing by examining:
- What impact investing is and how it has evolved to be a viable investment approach
- How investors can maintain returns in their portfolios while investing for impact
- How impact investing can be used to identify risks and opportunities in the market
- Historical returns from a range of impact investments
- How investors can start accessing the impact investing marketplace today"
"This report from Oxfam and Sumerian Partners questions some of the assumptions around impact investment and highlights the experience of enterprises contributing to poverty reduction so that they might be better served by the field. It argues that the sector risks being discredited due to rising, unrealistic expectations about financial returns."
"The world is on the brink of a revolution in how we solve society's toughest problems. The force driving this revolution is "impact investing", which harnesses entrepreneurship, innovation and capital to power social progress. This report, Impact Investing: The Invisible Heart of Markets - Harnessing the power of entrepreneurship, innovation and capital for public good, examines what is needed to catalyse the growth of a global market for impact investment. It makes recommendations that can be implemented across Taskforce countries and beyond to deliver better social outcomes and improve millions of lives across the world. The report calls on governments and the financial sector to take action to unleash $1 trillion of private sector impact investment to tackle social problems."