Un encuentro que conectó a más de 200 emprendedores del Altiplano del país
Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) are crucial for economic growth but often lack access to financing. Discover how Business Development Services (BDS) equip these enterprises with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive, fueling sustainable development and creating jobs.
Join us in a transformative journey where small and growing businesses (SGBs) are the unsung heroes, shaping economies and driving progress in developing countries. Together, we will explore the potential of SGBs in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Maintaining employee motivation, productivity and well-being ultimately translates to community development. The #ANDEDecentEntrepreneurship Interview Series presents strategies that Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (ESOs) and SGBs in the East and Southeast Asia region can use to create a fair and engaging workplace.
We are excited to be launching the Township Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Learning Labs aimed at supporting the development of township-based organizations providing support to small and growing businesses (SGBs) in these contexts that will address key challenges to the quality and effectiveness of services provided.
The ANDE South Asia Member Showcase is a document that goes out during the year highlighting the work being done by a few selected members on a regular basis. Read on to know about the showcase and take a look at the members highlighted!
To meet the job creation needs of India’s growing population, we need to prioritize investment into the companies often called “the missing middle.”