Launching a coalition to shape sustainable procurement practices and close the $1.1 trillion funding gap for social enterprises.
At the Amazonian Innovation in the Bioeconomy webinar, sector leaders explored the region's vital role in climate solutions.
Addressing development challenges requires more than capital. Non-financial support and strategic guidance are essential for SGBs to thrive, creating sustainable, localized growth beyond financial investments.
Un encuentro que conectó a más de 200 emprendedores del Altiplano del país
Working together, Brazil's small business ecosystem stakeholders can create a more just and sustainable future..
The pioneering initiative seeks to transform power dynamics and accelerate gender equity-focused investment.
Cambiando el lenguaje para transformar las dinámicas de poder y acelerar la inversión enfocada en la equidad de género en América Latina.
Technological adoption enables innovative entrepreneurship that addresses climate change and environmental sustainability.
Azure is a global combined financing initiative led by our member, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), to expand and rehabilitate water supply services.