"This publication is intended to raise awareness of the impact of social enterprise supply chains on society and the benefits for companies that do business with them in Peru. These pages contain many examples of companies that work with social enterprises to meet their corporate and social responsibility objectives, as well as a directory of Peruvian social enterprises that are potential suppliers for major businesses around the country. With this guide we hope to inspire the representatives of Peruvian companies and give them the courage to explore new business models that meet their operational needs while generating a positive and lasting social and environmental impact."
"This paper tests whether demand shocks affect firm dynamics. Ferraz, Finan and Szerman (2015) examine whether firms that win government procurment contracts grow more compared to firms that compete for these contracts but do not win. They assemble a comprehensive data set combining matched employer-employee data for the universe of formal firms in Brazil with the universe of federal government procurement contracts over the period of 2004 to 2010. Exploiting a quasi-experimental design, they find that winning at least one contract in a given quarter increases firm growth by 2.2 percentage points over that quarter, with 93% of the new hires coming from either unemployment or the informal sector. These effects also persist well beyond the length of the contracts. Part of this persistence comes from firms participating and winning more future auctions, as well as penetrating other markets."
"This research aims to quantify the importance of a country's entrepreneurship level in terms of its competitiveness rates. Our hypothesis is that those countries entrepreneurship growth rates increase their competitiveness indicators and that this entrepreneurial improvement could be a key factor in reaching the next stage of development. Our results suggest that Latin American countries need to gain entrepreneurial dynamics and economic (and competitiveness) development by transforming their typical self-employment or low value-added new ventures for local markets into strong, innovative networked firms competing globally. Some management and policy implications are also discussed."
"A causa de la crisis provocada por el COVID-19, las expectativas de falla generalizada entre las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MiPyMEs) en el mundo eran muy altas. Ante este escenario, el capítulo de Centroamérica y México de ANDE, en colaboración con VIVA Idea, Nauta y la alianza de Emprendedores frente al COVID-19, hicieron un esfuerzo para indagar la situación de las MiPyMEs latinoamericanas. Este reporte presenta el escenario tras algunas semanas de haber dado inicio la emergencia sanitaria y especialmente, las medidas de distanciamiento social y un escenario, transcurridos algunos meses, que permite evaluar cuáles han sido los retos más grandes a los que las MiPyMEs se han enfrentado y cuáles son sus necesidades para la construcción de una economía resiliente."
"A broad literature has found that the misallocation of entrepreneurial talent has strong effects on productivity. To investigate whether the government can improve entrepreneurial activity, we analyze a policy aimed at promoting innovative startups through the provision of funding and technical assistance to potential entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We conduct a survey and use regression discontinuity methods to identify the effects of the policy. We find significant effects on enterprise creation and survival as well as on employment. Overall, we show that small-scale public policy can help entrepreneurs overcome a wide variety of barriers to firm entry and improve the allocation of their entrepreneurial talent."
"O Panorama do setor de Investimento de Impacto no Brasil é um desdobramento do estudo lançado pelas duas organizações sobre investimento de impacto na América Latina, lançado pela Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) e da Associação para o Capital Privado na América Latina (LAVCA), em outubro de 2018. Os resultados do estudo brasileiro ressaltam que o investimento de impacto é uma indústria em crescimento no país e tem se mantido resiliente apesar do cenário político e econômico. O Brasil foi um dos países que apresentou os maiores números em termos de atividade de investimento de impacto na região. O relatório apresenta dados de investimento de impacto com base em características como setor, tamanho e estágio de negócios, e também compara a atividade de investimento com a de 2014-2015, antes de concluir com recomendações para o desenvolvimento da indústria no futuro."
"The authors set out to document, understand and disseminate good practices in policies for social enterprises, and ultimately to contribute to the development of the sector in Latin America and globally. The book introduces a model of how to position the issue on the public agenda in a way that responds to the most urgent social needs of the country and the sector, building on existing local policies as well as those from other countries, and involving stakeholders in permanent dialogue. The Road to Travel, aimed at public policymakers and key sector players, includes 34 cases of best practices in public policy and a strategy to move faster to address our most intractable problems through a new economy."
"Esta publicación busca identificar y presentar las oportunidades de los Negocios Inclusivos como vehículo para acelerar el logro de los ODS por parte del sector privado, como agentes de cambio hacia el desarrollo sostenible en Colombia.
El documento hace parte de una serie de reportes desarrollados por la plataforma global Business Call to Action -BCtA, junto con socios locales en Colombia, Filipinas y Kenia para resaltar el potencial de mercado y de alineación con los ODS que los negocios Inclusivos tienen en diversos sectores."
"Entrepreneurship is becoming an important source of economic activity and each time more sophisticated institutional arrangements (ecosystems) are populating more developed markets, as chances to grow fast and big in specific niches of those markets attract all necessary stakeholders for these ecosystems to work (entrepreneurs, investors, universities tech transfer offices, business accelerators, corporate and public procurers, etc.). In front of this, in less developed markets, some innovation agencies have been piloting opportunity driven startup programs, trying to cope with some of the barriers that these markets face so as to identify, select and give to potentially highly productive startups a real chance to succeed. This paper presents the results of an impact evaluation of one of those programs: Startup Peru."
"Unlike social programs targeting individuals, few enterprise support programs have been rigorously evaluated, and existing evaluations have mostly been done in high-income countries such as the United States and Europe. Mexico spends a large share of government resources on small and medium enterprise programs each year. How effective these programs have been in achieving their objectives is unclear. In Mexico, impact evaluations of small and medium enterprise programs are rare, and most are qualitative in nature. This is the first paper evaluating these programs in Mexico using firm-level panel data. The continuous and ten-year panel data -- from the 1994-2005 period -- allow the authors to address selectivity bias and unobserved firm heterogeneity by applying a generalization of differences-in-differences models combined with propensity score matching methods. This study finds evidence that participation in small and medium enterprise programs is associated with improvements in key variables such as value added, gross production, and wages. Furthermore, the study finds evidence that some of the positive effects can take several years to realize. The results also call for streamlining and greater efficiency in Mexico's small and medium enterprise programs."