As global sustainability challenges intensify, ANDE’s new investment guides provide a roadmap for investors to drive both environmental impact and economic returns in Kenya and India.
India has a wide but unorganised value chain for post-consumer domestic (PCD) waste. Formalised sorting hubs or Textile Recovery Facilities (TRFs) primarily dealing with PCD waste, are at a nascent stage, trying to find their feet within the market by optimising processes at both the demand and supply sides. These TRFs are sorting PCD waste through manual methods. However, despite the waste valorisation potential of these sorting hubs, their returns are limited in certain cases as they are unable to provide good quality waste feedstock and assurance of the material composition to high-grade fibre-to-fibre mechanical recyclers. This gap provides a potential area for the deployment of sorting technologies.
About 48% of the Post-consumer Domestic Waste (PCD) has the potential to be valorised via formalised sorting hubs. Out of this, 35% of the waste can have better utilisation by adopting semiautomated & automated technologies, leading to a revenue increase of 10%. At an industry level, this translates to 1,380 kilo tonnes of waste and INR 388 Cr (going up to INR 1,348 crores in some cases) of additional revenue in one year. However, an enabling environment needs to be created to make these technologies economically viable for a sorting hub.
The business case presented in this report assesses commercial viability for both semi-automated and automated technologies and validates the hypothesis under five different scenarios. Thus, it demonstrates the infrastructure and investment requirements to valorise the post-consumer textile waste, serving as a framework to enable well-informed decision-making for sorting hubs to implement sorting technologies.
Climate investing has grown from a niche investment vertical market to a widely recognised market that attracts billions of PE and VC capital globally and in India. In 2023, venture and growth investment into climate totalled $32 billion around the world and $804 million in India. The size of our network reflects the vast opportunity and high levels of enthusiasm.
Given this step change in the flow of capital, one would assume that the ecosystem in India has evolved and that the continuum of capital functions smoothly, with multiple instruments and funding approaches accessible and affordable for scaling climate innovations.
We decided to unpack this hypothesis in the third India Climate Finance Report and examine what really exists in terms of a continuum, how smooth the handovers are and what’s still missing to enable climate innovation at scale. This report is a combination of survey insights and deep-dives/ guest articles from peers and partners in the ecosystem. With the focus on mapping, this time we’ve requested guest articles from stakeholders working at very specific points/ junctures of the continuum, and asked them to comment on what’s working and what isn’t. We’ve also tried to highlight the opportunity for family offices and emerging foundations with more broad-based/ flexible mandates. Also as always, we have highlighted the role of appropriate and accurate climate impact measurement, as a reflection of the value created.
ANDE South Asia publishes the Member Showcase, highlighting selected members' initiatives and fostering strategic collaboration. Additionally, the Collaboration Showcase focuses on partnerships between ANDE members and ANDE's facilitative role.
"Nos últimos cinco anos, a GALI tem coletado dados sobre aceleradoras ao redor do mundo e empreendedores que buscam seus apoios, com foco especial em aceleradoras operando em economias em desenvolvimento. Ao analisar esses dados e entrevistar dezenas de indivíduos sobre suas experiências com aceleradoras, o projeto conseguiu divulgar mais de 30 publicações sobre assuntos incluindo a eficácia das aceleradoras, o papel do
gênero no desempenho dos fundadores de startups, a aceleração em diferentes regiões, fontes de financiamento de aceleradoras, entre outros. Esse relatório serve como uma síntese das descobertas mais importantes dessa pesquisa, com contribuições práticas para gestores dos programas de aceleração, empreendedores, fundadores, investidores e outros stakeholders que apoiam e estão engajados com aceleradoras ao redor do mundo."
"Este relatório analisa o desempenho de empreendimentos em estágio inicial que se candidataram a programas de aceleração utilizando diversas
métricas de crescimento antes, durante e depois da aceleração. Com base em uma amostra única de 2.599 empreendimentos que se candidataram a 212 programas de aceleração, comparamos as trajetórias daqueles que participaram e não participaram desses programas para aprendermos mais sobre as mudanças na receita e no financiamento ao longo do tempo. Também comparamos resultados entre programas e sintetizamos as contribuições das entrevistas com empreendedores de alto desempenho e gerentes de programas de aceleração para entender como a aceleração pode impulsionar o desenvolvimento de empreendimentos a longo prazo."
"Este reporte examina el desempeño de empresas en etapa temprana que se postulan a programas de aceleración, utilizando varias métricas de
crecimiento antes, durante y después de la aceleración. Con base en una muestra única de 2,599 empresas que solicitaron ingreso a 212 programas de
aceleración, comparamos las trayectorias de aquellas que participaron en estos programas y las que no, con el fin de aprender más acerca de los cambios en ingresos y financiamiento a lo largo del tiempo. También comparamos resultados entre los programas y sintetizamos las perspectivas
obtenidas de entrevistas con emprendedores(as) de alto desempeño y gerentes de los programas de aceleración, para entender cómo la aceleración puede impulsar el desarrollo de las empresas a largo plazo."
"This report examines the performance of early-stage ventures applying to accelerator programs using various growth metrics before, during, and after acceleration. Based on a unique sample of 2,599 ventures applying to 212 accelerator programs, we compare the trajectories of those that ultimately did and did not participate in these programs to learn more about changes in revenue and financing over time. We also compare outcomes across programs and synthesize insights from interviews with high-performing entrepreneurs and accelerator program managers to understand how acceleration can drive longer-term venture development."