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PUBLICATION Research, 2022

"The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) launched the Advancing Women’s Empowerment Fund (AWEF) in 2019 with support from the Visa Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The overall goal of AWEF-funded projects is to address the gender financing gap for women-owned small and growing businesses (SGBs) in developing economies. The first round of grantmaking, AWEF Asia, funded eight entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs) in Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, the Philippines, Pakistan, and India, as well as programs serving the region as a whole. This report summarizes the lessons learned from these grants."

PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"The COVID-19 pandemic has launched the world into unprecedented turbulence and uncertainty. The micro, small and medium sized businesses (MSMEs) that underpin employment and growth in frontier economies have felt the impact on multiple dimensions. By extension, the capital providers that have invested in and financed these enterprises are equally challenged as they seek to support their portfolios in these uncertain times. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a dearth of capital for MSMEs in LatAm of nearly $1 trillion. COVID-19 has exacerbated this situation and has the potential to undermine many gains made in income and gender equality, growth and employment over the last years. The survey looked into who the impact-orientated capital providers are that finance MSMEs in LatAm; how they look at impact, in particular gender; what their portfolio of small businesses is; what the portfolio’s performance pre COVID was; what their financial and non-financial needs post-COVID look like; and whether any changes and opportunities are arising from the current situation?"

PUBLICATION Research, 2022

"This report reveals the state of social enterprises in Nigeria. It is based on desk research, interviews with key stakeholders and a survey distributed to social enterprises from a diverse range of industries and sectors across the county. The findings are timely. Governments and communities are looking to minimize the economic and social damage caused by Covid-19 and, in the longer term, see the pandemic as an opportunity to rebuild economies on a fairer, more inclusive footing. As businesses that combine positive social and environmental impact with financial sustainability, social enterprises have a vital role to play."

PUBLICATION Research, 2022

“O relatório “Investimentos de Impacto no Brasil – 2020”, realizado pela ANDE em parceria com a Aliança pelos Investimentos e Negócios de Impacto, o Instituto Clima e Sociedade, a Fundação Grupo Boticário e com apoio da Wright Capital, captura as características do setor de investimento de impacto no Brasil no ano de 2020, com base em uma amostra de 38 investidores de impacto ativos na região. O relatório fornece uma visão geral sobre onde e como o capital está sendo alocado e identifica os desafios que o ecossistema enfrenta, além de abordar temáticas como equidade de gênero, avaliação de riscos e oportunidades climáticas para o portfólio e mensuração de emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas ao portfólio. Coordenação e análise Pipe.Labo”

PUBLICATION Research, 2022

"Women-led and women-owned businesses continue to be a largely untapped resource for economic growth in emerging economies. There is promising data, highlighted in this report, for the opportunity to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystems supporting women in emerging economies, despite the negative impacts of the pandemic. This report underscores the potential for women’s businesses, especially startup businesses and high-growth entrepreneurs, and emphasizes the need to fill critical gaps in access to financing, technology, social networks and training. "

PUBLICATION Guidance and Tools, 2021

"In 2018, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), with the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), launched the Gender Lens Impact Measurement (GLIM) Fund to enhance the awareness, rigor, and quality of impact measurement for organizations supporting entrepreneurs with a gender lens approach. Each grant from the fund went to a partnership between small and growing business (SGB) support organizations in Latin America and researchers to use measurement for driving improved gender-inclusive strategies. This synthesis report summarises the tools and lessons from these grants on using measurement to increase gender inclusion for SGB support organizations."

PUBLICATION Research, 2021

"This knowledge brief seeks to capture the key takeaways from the recent series of three Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) Learning Labs hosted by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, South Africa Chapter (ANDE SA) in partnership with the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation. These learning labs explore the importance of understanding impact in context, engaging multiple stakeholders to ensure appropriate contextual perception and the need to guarantee accurate reporting and impact measurement. This enables greater transparency in the data collection process, improved ability to interrogate assumptions leading to greater data-driven decision making to appropriately measure ones’ impact – be it at an intervention or organisational level."


Avec le lancement des Objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies, l’ODD 8 : Travail Décent et Croissance économique devient un cri de ralliement pour les professionnels qui cherchent à encourager l’entrepreneuriat comme un moyen de développement économique et social. Cependant, si le concept de travail décent peut sembler simple, définir clairement un «emploi de qualité» s’est avéré être une initiative complexe. Ce rapport synthétise les données existantes sur la qualité de l’emploi dans les PME, en se concentrant sur les entreprises plus jeunes et orientées vers la croissance dans la mesure du possible (désignées par l’ANDE sous le terme de «petites entreprises en croissance» ou PEC).


Currently there are over 500 townships in the South Africa, whose combined land mass surpasses that of Johannesburg and Durban combined and which are home to an estimated 40% of South Africa’s urban population. While more is understood about the small and growing businesses (SGBs) in metropolitan areas, less is known about the entrepreneurial ecosystems in the townships and how to support the primarily micro, necessity-based businesses that operate there. This report focuses on identifying the key actors implementing programmes to support entrepreneurs and small businesses operating in townships in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, and Western Cape Provinces, the challenges the entrepreneurial support providers face, and the opportunities to strengthen this ecosystem.

PUBLICATION Research, 2021

L’expression «gestion des talents» peut être définie de différentes manières, mais en général, elle fait référence aux processus d’une entreprise visant à recruter, développer et conserver les employés dont les fonctions offrent le meilleur potentiel permettant de renforcer les avantages concurrentiels d’une entreprise. En effet, les PME sont confrontées à certaines contraintes liées à leur taille et à leur fragilité et ont donc besoin d’approches différentes pour trouver et conserver une main-d’oeuvre performante.Ce rapport résume la littérature existante sur la gestion des talents au sein des PME, en mettant l’accent sur les économies en développement dans la mesure du possible, et souligne les lacunes spécifiques liées à la recherche qui devraient être prioritaires à l’avenir.