British Council
As Publisher

"This report reveals the state of social enterprises in Nigeria. It is based on desk research, interviews with key stakeholders and a survey distributed to social enterprises from a diverse range of industries and sectors across the county. The findings are timely. Governments and communities are looking to minimize the economic and social damage caused by Covid-19 and, in the longer term, see the pandemic as an opportunity to rebuild economies on a fairer, more inclusive footing. As businesses that combine positive social and environmental impact with financial sustainability, social enterprises have a vital role to play."


"A pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender melhor a atuação, governança e dificuldades encontradas pelos empreendedores criativos e sociais do Brasil."


"Este relatório tem três funções principais. Ele foi encomendado pelo Conselho Britânico, em parceria com o Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE), como parte do Programa de Engajamento e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Newton Fund no Brasil. O foco no Brasil é oferecer apoio a empreendedores criativos e desenvolver mecanismos que incentivem uma Economia Criativa mais diversificada, inclusiva e confiável."


"This study provides an insight into social enterprise in Malaysia, including an estimate of the scale and scope of the sector. It assesses existing policies that are relevant to social enterprise and analyses how these have been implemented. This study is based on quantitative information obtained from a total of 132 survey respondents across Malaysia."


"This report sets out to establish how well social enterprise addresses gender inequality and women's empowerment in the UK. It is part of a series of reports commissioned by the British Council to look at the link between social enterprise and women's empowerment across five countries: Brazil, India, Pakistan, the UK and the USA. It explores the strengths and weaknesses of social enterprise as a mechanism for empowering women and considers different ways it is being used for this end. It also examines the idea that social enterprise as a business model might advance women's empowerment even when that is not a specific objective."


"Este relatório busca demonstrar quanto os negócios sociais efetivamente endereçam a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento feminino no Brasil. O relatório explora os pontos fortes e as fraquezas do negócio social enquanto mecanismo para o empoderamento de mulheres e contempla as diferentes maneiras em que está aplicado para tanto. Também é examinada a ideia que o negócio social, enquanto modelo de negócios, possa promover o empoderamento feminino mesmo que este não seja seu objetivo específico."


"Social enterprises address social and environmental problems through innovative business solutions that improve the lives of underserved communities. They are businesses which trade for a social purpose, re-invest surpluses into their social objective, and make themselves accountable for their actions, rather than simply maximising profits for owners and shareholders.

The survey finds that social enterprise is a growing and dynamic sector of the Indian economy that is creating jobs for disadvantaged groups, empowering women, and addressing social exclusion across the country. This study seeks to expand our knowledge of the Indian social enterprise sector and has taken into account the findings of previous researches on the subject."


"This paper seeks to outline the social enterprise landscape in Ghana. It reviews the enabling environment and the scope of capacity-building activities supporting social enterprise to provide an overview of the profile of existing social enterprises and social innovation activity. It presents information on perceptions and levels of awareness of social enterprise, the obstacles and challenges faced and opportunities to improve the enabling environment; and lessons from social enterprise activities in other national contexts. It should be noted that the study is not, and did not set out to be a comprehensive review of all social enterprises and support organisation in Ghana."