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"Recent field experiments demonstrate that advice, mentorship, and feedback from randomly assigned peers improve entrepreneurial performance. These results raise a natural question: what is preventing entrepreneurs and managers from forming these peer connections themselves? We argue that entrepreneurs may be under-networked because they lack the necessary social skills- the ability to communicate effectively and interact collaboratively with new acquaintances-that allow them to match efficiently with knowledgeable peers. We use a field experiment in the context of a business training program to test if a short social skills training module improves who the participants choose to learn from within the program. We find that entrepreneurs who were exposed to the social skills training formed 50% more relationships with peers. These relationships exhibited more matching based on managerial skill and were more ethnically diverse. Finally, the training also substantially increased entrepreneurs' business performance. Our findings suggest that social skills help entrepreneurs build relationships that create value for both themselves and their peers."


"ANDE has been tracking the growth and impact of the small and growing business (SGB) sector in emerging market economies for our annual State of the Sector report since 2009. The analysis examines global trends in support for small and growing businesses through capacity development services, direct private investment, and donor funding, as well as specific trends by region. The latest report provides a retrospective summary of key developments and trends in the sector in 2019 and relevant insights based on initial data and emerging information on the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on those trends in 2020."


"Despite the popularity of business training among policy makers, the use of business training has faced increasing skepticism. This is, in part, fueled by the fact that most of the first wave of randomized experiments in developing countries could not detect statistically significant impacts of training on firms' profits or sales. This paper revisits and reassesses the evidence for whether small business training works, incorporating the results of more recent studies. A meta-analysis of these estimates suggests that training increases profits and sales on average by 5 to 10 percent. The author argues that this is in line with what is optimistic to expect given the relatively short length of most training programs, and the expected return on investment from the cost of such training. However, impacts of this magnitude are too small for most experiments to detect statistically. Emerging evidence is provided on five approaches for improving the effectiveness of traditional training by incorporating gender, kaizen methods, localization and mentoring, heuristics, and psychology. Training programs that incorporate these elements appear to deliver improvements over traditional training programs on average, although with considerable variation. Given that training delivers some benefits for firms, the challenge is then how to deliver a quality program on a cost-effective basis at a much larger scale. Three possible approaches to scaling up training are discussed: using the market, using technology, or targeting and funneling firms."


"Government, NGO, and business leaders typically see great promise for digital tools to empower smallholder value chains and make them more efficient and profitable for farmers. However, hope is not enough - new technologies only reach scale when they are delivered within a functioning business model.

To scale, the business model must provide a 1) Lifetime Value for each new customer which exceeds 2) the cost of acquiring each new customer. However, finding a business model which meets this requirement on small, remote farms is a tough job. Delivery and acquisition costs are typically high, and Lifetime Values low as each farmer's revenue is limited.

By observing the full range of solutions that have been developed across the ASEAN region, we see startups migrating to five business models which seem to show the greatest potential in reaching smallholder farmers at scale. This report provides an overview of those five business models, and why we think they show the greatest promise."


"This study estimates that social enterprises could create more than 1 million additional jobs by 2030 in the 12 focus countries that have been analyzed. Overall, this would result in a total of approximately 5.5 million direct jobs in social enterprises in 2030. These jobs would be created in existing markets, but also for new markets, thus creating new value chains and many more indirect income opportunities in these countries. The implementation of the interventions recommended in this report are thus an important action to prepare the African continent on future demographic dynamics. In addition, they can also be seen as an important contribution to preserve jobs that have been put at risk because of COVID-19."


"Learn about how our partners are getting sustainable returns for their business, while empowering farmers through service delivery. This report shares our most complete findings on commercially viable and impactful smallholder services."


"This whitepaper presents Endeavor's "house view" on proactive ideas and measures that the government, policymakers and business community, who understand the importance of protecting the essential high-growth innovation sector of the Nigerian economy, should consider as we work collectively to minimise the impact of the coronavirus and protect Nigeria's economic future."


"A causa de la crisis provocada por el COVID-19, las expectativas de falla generalizada entre las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MiPyMEs) en el mundo eran muy altas. Ante este escenario, el capítulo de Centroamérica y México de ANDE, en colaboración con VIVA Idea, Nauta y la alianza de Emprendedores frente al COVID-19, hicieron un esfuerzo para indagar la situación de las MiPyMEs latinoamericanas. Este reporte presenta el escenario tras algunas semanas de haber dado inicio la emergencia sanitaria y especialmente, las medidas de distanciamiento social y un escenario, transcurridos algunos meses, que permite evaluar cuáles han sido los retos más grandes a los que las MiPyMEs se han enfrentado y cuáles son sus necesidades para la construcción de una economía resiliente."


"In March of 2020, the world was hit by COVID-19, and nearly every country and society around the world is practicing social distancing and placing restrictions on travel and face-to-face interaction. One of the countless impacts of these changes is that nearly all face-to-face research has been temporarily suspended, and many of the organizations conducting this research are exploring shifting some or all of their work to phone-based surveys. We want to help make this transition as seamless as possible and have put together this free guide to help. It captures many of the most important lessons we’ve learned in conducting phone-based surveys since 2014. While it is neither complete nor exhaustive, we hope that it serves as a useful resource to those who need it."


"The Guide was developed by CDC and IFC with support from the Government of Canada. It is a practical "how to" step by step guide for fund managers on how to strengthen gender diversity within their own firms and incorporate a gender focus into investment operations. It combines learnings from CDC and IFC's experience with over 160 Fund Managers and draws on best practices with a series of case studies from stakeholders across the industry."