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"As the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has spread globally, it has left in its wake acute health concerns compounded by economic devastation. The full effects of the pandemic and corresponding economic slowdown are still unfolding - yet already, impact investors' portfolios are experiencing constraints, and the need for further impact investment is rising sharply. To catalyze strategic flows of impact investment capital and position impact investors to support their current investees, the Response, Recovery, and Resilience Investment Coalition (R3 Coalition) launched in May 2020. This initiative represents a collaboration across impact investing networks. One critical component of this initiative is the delivery of market intelligence on financing needs and effective strategies to address those needs. This first brief intends to describe the current state of play for impact investors."


"As governments from El Salvador to Kenya to India enact strict measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus, what can development organizations do to help micro and small businesses survive? Drawing from TechnoServe’s past experience working with entrepreneurs in times of crisis, as well as early learnings from the response to the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve put together this quick guide of ideas for supporting these enterprises."


"This study estimates that social enterprises could create more than 1 million additional jobs by 2030 in the 12 focus countries that have been analyzed. Overall, this would result in a total of approximately 5.5 million direct jobs in social enterprises in 2030. These jobs would be created in existing markets, but also for new markets, thus creating new value chains and many more indirect income opportunities in these countries. The implementation of the interventions recommended in this report are thus an important action to prepare the African continent on future demographic dynamics. In addition, they can also be seen as an important contribution to preserve jobs that have been put at risk because of COVID-19."


"This whitepaper presents Endeavor's "house view" on proactive ideas and measures that the government, policymakers and business community, who understand the importance of protecting the essential high-growth innovation sector of the Nigerian economy, should consider as we work collectively to minimise the impact of the coronavirus and protect Nigeria's economic future."


"A causa de la crisis provocada por el COVID-19, las expectativas de falla generalizada entre las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MiPyMEs) en el mundo eran muy altas. Ante este escenario, el capítulo de Centroamérica y México de ANDE, en colaboración con VIVA Idea, Nauta y la alianza de Emprendedores frente al COVID-19, hicieron un esfuerzo para indagar la situación de las MiPyMEs latinoamericanas. Este reporte presenta el escenario tras algunas semanas de haber dado inicio la emergencia sanitaria y especialmente, las medidas de distanciamiento social y un escenario, transcurridos algunos meses, que permite evaluar cuáles han sido los retos más grandes a los que las MiPyMEs se han enfrentado y cuáles son sus necesidades para la construcción de una economía resiliente."


"Em maio de 2020, a ANDE divulgou um estudo setorial, resumindo as evidências iniciais da primeira fase da crise, em março e abril de 2020, sobre o impacto do COVID-19 nas SGBs e no setor de suporte à SGB de maneira mais ampla nos mercados emergentes.

À medida em que a crise e seus efeitos no setor continuam se desenvolvendo, a ANDE está trabalhando para continuar atualizando as informações com novos dados e insights. Este adendo ao estudo apresenta novos dados coletados dos membros da ANDE, entre maio e junho de 2020, em relação às suas necessidades, ações que estão tomando e impressões atualizadas do impacto que a crise está tendo e terá no setor."


"Este estudo resume as evidências iniciais que surgiram durante a primeira fase da crise, em março e abril de 2020, em relação ao impacto da COVID-19 nas SGBs e no setor de apoio às SGBs nos mercados emergentes. Ele resume os riscos, impactos e necessidades atuais para que as organizações e indivíduos que apoiam as SGBs possam entender melhor o que está acontecendo localmente e, mais importante, tomar medidas para projetar e implementar intervenções mais eficazes."


"The global spread of Covid-19 has made being an entrepreneur more challenging than ever. Although it seems like a crisis unlike any other, the pandemic has many lessons to offer entrepreneurs working with underserved communities in low income markets. The Manual to Land by MIT D-Lab aims to help entrepreneurs to better navigate crisis leadership while focusing on finances, the team or the customer side."


"GAIN and partners, including the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Business Network (co-convened by the World Food Programme (WFP)), undertook a survey of food system SMEs in 17 countries in May 2020, aiming to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on their businesses and their support needs."


"This report summarizes the results of a survey that the Fate Foundation in partnership with Budgit Nigeria designed. It was disseminated to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigerian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with the goal of engaging relevant stakeholders within the entrepreneurship ecosystem to solutions and interventions to support Nigerian MSMEs during and post COVID-19. The survey was targeted at micro, small and medium businesses across the 36 states in Nigeria including the FCT. This report also provides in-depth recommendations for government, enterprise support organizations, private and development sector stakeholders on policy and program design as well as implementation approaches."