Financial Services

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"Download this study to learn about:
- The experience of the United States, Europe and other countries in channeling more than $2.2 billion in gender lens investing.
- The gaps and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean to attract international investors.
- Success stories of companies in Mexico, Colombia, Panama and Brazil that are leading this trend."


"The Landscape for Impact Investing in West Africa is a state of the market analysis of the impact investing industry in the region. The report includes regional findings from 15 countries, as well as dedicated chapters covering the most active markets: Nigeria, Ghana, and Senegal. Across the region, investors highlight opportunities for impact and financial return, particularly in the key sectors of energy, financial technologies, and agriculture.

The landscape study is based on thorough analysis of relevant literature, large volumes of transaction data, and extensive interviews with key industry stakeholders. Detailed country chapters include information on the supply of capital by investor type, investment opportunities by sector, and regulatory considerations and hurdles for impact investors and investees."


"Fintech recently became the most-active sector for startup investment in the Middle East and North Africa. While much of the media coverage has focused on digital payments and e-commerce, this report will highlight fintech innovation that is improving "financial health" for the region's most marginalized communities: tech that helps people manage their income and expenses, weather financial shocks and plan for a healthy financial future."


"Novo spotlight conta com o panorama local do setor. Analisamos os dados sobre o investimento de impacto no setor, extraídos da segunda edição do relatório "Panorama do Setor de Investimento de Impacto na América Latina", publicado pela ANDE e LAVCA. Por fim, apresentamos o caso de um negócio do setor que recebeu investimento, concluindo com perspectivas e recomendações para o futuro.

Relatório mostra que as oportunidades para melhorar a inclusão financeira são abundantes no Brasil, considerando as necessidades da população de menor renda e as possibilidades oferecidas pelos avanços tecnológicos. Além disso, no lado dos investidores, sugere a necessidade de investigar maneiras de oferecer capital com tickets menores, uma vez que a ampliação do tamanho dos investimentos ajudaria a fortalecer o pipeline de futuros investimentos. Assim como, os empreendedores precisam ficar atentos às necessidades e atitudes da população de menor renda para contemplar as três dimensões da inclusão financeira: o acesso, o uso e a qualidade."


"This publication focuses on the specifics of impact investing in financial inclusion and fintechs. It begins with an overview of the social and economic context in Brazil, which is followed by data on impact investing in the sector taken from the second edition of the report "The Impact Investing Landscape in Latin America", recently published by ANDE and LAVCA (The Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America). The publication then presents a case study of a business that received investment, before concluding with recommendations for the future."


"O capítulo andino e o capítulo brasileiro criaram um relatório em conjunto que fornece uma visão geral do setor de inclusão financeira na América Latina, com foco no México e no Brasil. O relatório inclui um infográfico do cenário da inclusão financeira nos dois países, usando fatos e números apresentados ao longo de nossas reuniões e mesas-redondas do Learning Lab de Métricas.

Além disso, o relatório apresenta 3 tópicos relevantes sobre inclusão financeira: produtos e serviços financeiros centrados no usuário, infraestrutura necessária para acesso aos serviços financeiros e educação financeira. Cada tópico oferece uma introdução por especialistas e estudos de caso de diversos projetos na América Latina."


"Este reporte recoge los datos más relevantes en ambos países que se dieron a conocer en el marco del Laboratorio de Aprendizaje, así como las voces de los expertos y una serie de casos de estudio de diversas organizaciones en Latinoamérica enfocados en tres temáticas: Infraestructura necesaria para el acceso a servicios financieros, Educación Financiera y Diseño de productos y servicios centrados en el usuario."


"This publication aims to provide insights into the why, how, and what of inclusive business to inspire companies that want to develop their own inclusive business model, and civil society and public partners facilitating include business in Africa. Hereto, the publication shares knowledge from both theory and practice and delves deeply into three inclusive business cases from East Africa: financial inclusion through mobile banking service M-Pesa in Kenya; Community Life Centres for inclusive healthcare in Kenya; and inclusive agribusiness and food security in Ethiopia. In addition, the publication presents insights from research on 2SCALE, an incubator programme that manages a portfolio of public-private partnerships. (PPPs) for inclusive business in agri-food sectors."


"SMEs are positioning themselves as a strategic branch of banking operations in the region, while banks are increasingly pushing for more active policies when it comes to the financing of SMEs. This is one of the highlighted conclusions from a 2011 joint survey conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank Group's entities dealing with the private sector: the Multilateral Investment Fund (FOMIN), the beyond Banking program of the department of Corporate and Structured Financing (SCF), and the Inter-American Investment Corporation, along with the Latin American Banking Federation (FELABAN).
This report introduces the general results obtained during the fourth survey encompassing the views and opinions of directors, managers and deputies of the SME division of 109 banks scattered across 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. It also includes an itemized analysis of the answers divided by the banks size and location, as well as their interrelations with other trends in that sector."