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PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"En septiembre de 2020, la Red Aspen de Emprendedores para el Desarrollo (ANDE por sus siglas en inglés) publicó un estudio titulado “Inversión de Impacto en América Latina”, que examina las tendencias en la región durante 2018 -2019. A continuación se muestra un enfoque sobre América Central, que utiliza datos del informe completo para resaltar tendencias clave en países centroamericanos, durante este período de dos años."

PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"Este informe pretende captar las peculiaridades del sector de inversión de impacto en América Latina durante los dos últimos años, basándose en una muestra de los inversionistas en la región. Mediante información a nivel institucional y a nivel transacción de estos inversionistas, se ofrece un retrato de dónde y cómo se está asignando capital, e identifica los retos que enfrenta el ecosistema. Si bien abarca la región entera, el informe se enfoca en los tres mercados principales de la región: Brasil, México y Colombia."

PUBLICATION Research, 2018

"This supplementary guide has been created with the aim of mapping this landscape and to generate awareness and understanding of the impact space in South Africa. This guide explores why and how organisations are measuring their impact; the benefits and challenges of impact measurement and management; how impact data is used and reported; and the future of impact measurement and management in South Africa."

PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"Este relatório pretende retratar características do setor de investimento de impacto na América Latina no decorrer dos últimos dois anos com base em uma amostra de investidores de impacto ativos na região. Utilizando dados das organizações e de transações (deals) compartilhados por esses investidores, proporciona-se uma visão geral de onde e como o capital está sendo alocado e identificam-se desafios enfrentados pelo ecossistema. O relatório foca na região como um todo e se aprofunda nos três maiores mercados: Brasil, Colômbia e México."

PUBLICATION Research, 2011

"Impact investments are investments intended to create positive impact alongside financial return. Over the past few years, traditional investors have been increasingly interested by the nascent impact investment market and in 2010, the Global Impact Investing Network ("GIIN"), the Rockefeller Foundation and J.P. Morgan collaborated on a piece of research titled "Impact Investments: An Emerging Asset Class", which examined the market landscape, the characteristics of investments, and the size of potential investment opportunities.

This year, the GIIN and J.P. Morgan have partnered on an expanded survey, capturing data on over 2,200 private transactions totaling over USD 4bn of investment. In complement to this investment survey, we also surveyed investor views on investment philosophy and the overall development of the sector. The 2011 survey returned data from a broader and more geographically diverse pool of respondents. The questions explore returns, risk and impact measurement practices in more depth and also gauge general market perceptions."


"O capítulo andino e o capítulo brasileiro criaram um relatório em conjunto que fornece uma visão geral do setor de inclusão financeira na América Latina, com foco no México e no Brasil. O relatório inclui um infográfico do cenário da inclusão financeira nos dois países, usando fatos e números apresentados ao longo de nossas reuniões e mesas-redondas do Learning Lab de Métricas.

Além disso, o relatório apresenta 3 tópicos relevantes sobre inclusão financeira: produtos e serviços financeiros centrados no usuário, infraestrutura necessária para acesso aos serviços financeiros e educação financeira. Cada tópico oferece uma introdução por especialistas e estudos de caso de diversos projetos na América Latina."


"Este reporte recoge los datos más relevantes en ambos países que se dieron a conocer en el marco del Laboratorio de Aprendizaje, así como las voces de los expertos y una serie de casos de estudio de diversas organizaciones en Latinoamérica enfocados en tres temáticas: Infraestructura necesaria para el acceso a servicios financieros, Educación Financiera y Diseño de productos y servicios centrados en el usuario."

PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"GAIN and partners, including the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Business Network (co-convened by the World Food Programme (WFP)), undertook a survey of food system SMEs in 17 countries in May 2020, aiming to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on their businesses and their support needs."

PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"This knowledge brief aims to provide an overview of the IMM landscape in Nigeria and draws lessons from organizations who have IMM experience in West Africa. The knowledge brief focuses on providing an understanding of how impact is defined by some organizations, what elements they take into consideration when designing an IMM strategy, why they measure impact, the upsides and downsides of standardization, challenges they face in measuring and managing impact, and how they utilize data to drive impact. The knowledge brief also shares the IMM journey of three organizations: Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation, LEAP Africa and MBC Africa, and provides recommendations on implementing IMM."

PUBLICATION Research, 2020

"This report summarizes the results of a survey that the Fate Foundation in partnership with Budgit Nigeria designed. It was disseminated to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigerian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with the goal of engaging relevant stakeholders within the entrepreneurship ecosystem to solutions and interventions to support Nigerian MSMEs during and post COVID-19. The survey was targeted at micro, small and medium businesses across the 36 states in Nigeria including the FCT. This report also provides in-depth recommendations for government, enterprise support organizations, private and development sector stakeholders on policy and program design as well as implementation approaches."