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"In the second of a two-part series focused on SAOs in Indonesia, this study by Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN) examines the performance, expectations, and challenges faced by SAOs, with particular reference to whether SAOs are meeting the expectations of entrepreneurs and investors and how gaps in expectation can be addressed.

This report also places a special focus on how SAOs support women entrepreneurs and the reasons for the gender gap in SAO activities. A multitude of factors discourage women entrepreneurs from applying and participating in SAO programs, from difficulty in finding SAO programs targeting sectors, location, or business stage, where a higher proportion of women entrepreneurs operate, through to a lack of women engaged in SAO programs as mentors, trainers, SAO staff or as participating entrepreneurs. The intensive time commitment during the program and competitive culture could also be contributing factors.

The report concludes with a practical framework that SAOs can use to advance their mission and recommendations to promote gender inclusion in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Placing a greater emphasis on diversifying mentors, trainers and SAO staff, explicitly encouraging female candidates to apply and designing more flexible programs that allow women to balance SAO program participation with household responsibilities could encourage more women to apply."


"With the aim of better understanding trends, challenges, and growth opportunities, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) has developed a series of publications about impact investing in four sectors: biodiversity conservation, education, financial inclusion and health. This publication focuses on the specifics ofi mpact investing in biodiversity conservation. It begins with an overview of the social, environmental and economic context in Brazil, which is followed by data on impact investing in the sector taken from the second edition of the report "The Impact Investing Landscape in Latin America", recently publishec by ANDE and LAVCA (The Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America). The publication then presents a case study of a business that rec3eived investment, before concluding with recommendations for the sector."


"This publication focuses on the specifics of impact investing in financial inclusion and fintechs. It begins with an overview of the social and economic context in Brazil, which is followed by data on impact investing in the sector taken from the second edition of the report "The Impact Investing Landscape in Latin America", recently published by ANDE and LAVCA (The Association for Private Capital Investment in Latin America). The publication then presents a case study of a business that received investment, before concluding with recommendations for the future."


"Resources to validate new sanitation technologies and prepare for market entry – prerequisites for achieving sustainable, scaled solutions – tend to be quite scarce compared to those available to scale proven solutions. As such, a problematic ‘Pioneer Gap’ exists. This funder landscape seeks to both clarify the ‘Pioneer Gap’ and point readers to potential funding and other resources poised to help fill this problematic gap. Two promising forms of funding are explored in detail: catalytic philanthropy and blended finance leveraging impact investment."


"In cooperation with various financing partners Make-IT publishes guides to investment in Kenya and Nigeria explaining funding instruments, investor types and the different stages of raising capital. In addition, they give a brief overview of the specific investment scene. The guides also contain of a detailed investor directory giving detailed information on more than 60 investors and financing partners."


"In cooperation with various financing partners, Make-IT publishes guides to investment in Kenya and Nigeria explaining funding instruments, investor types and the different stages of raising capital. In addition, they give a brief overview of the specific investment scene. The guides also contain of a detailed investor directory giving detailed information on more than 60 investors and financing partners."


"The idea that start-ups and young firms (hereafter entrepreneurial firms) create jobs is very popular among policy-makers and has led to a large number of studies investigating the effect of entrepreneurship on job creation. Recently, however, society and many players in the political arena have begun to care not only about job quantity and quantitative employment levels, but also about the quality of the jobs created. This study provides the first systematic literature review of research on the quantity and quality of jobs created by entrepreneurial firms. The review concludes with policy implications and avenues for future research."


"Smallholder farmers around the globe are facing unstable productivity due to changing climate and weather patterns. The ways in which the private sector supports these farmers to build resilience to climate change and/or engage in efforts to mitigate climate change can have significant impact on the ability for farmers to make a living, the security of supply of smallholder crops, and the reputation of the private sector actors drawing loyalty of end consumers and investors.

As part of an effort to better engage the private sector in climate smart agriculture activities the Learning Community for Supply Chain Resilience, funded by USAID's Feed the Future program and in support of the Alliance for Resilient Coffee (ARC), interviewed 18 coffee companies to better understand how they think about climate risk and climate smart agriculture, the types of activities in which they engage, and the types of climate information they use and/or need. The results of this study are supplemented by results from a case study of Ugandan coffee companies, illustrating how their use of and need for climate information differs at the national level. The results give insight into the types of information that private sector companies are looking for to be able to design and implement effective climate smart agriculture programs. It also yields some insight on information and tools that would facilitate sector-level strategies."


"O Panorama do setor de Investimento de Impacto no Brasil é um desdobramento do estudo lançado pelas duas organizações sobre investimento de impacto na América Latina, lançado pela Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) e da Associação para o Capital Privado na América Latina (LAVCA), em outubro de 2018. Os resultados do estudo brasileiro ressaltam que o investimento de impacto é uma indústria em crescimento no país e tem se mantido resiliente apesar do cenário político e econômico. O Brasil foi um dos países que apresentou os maiores números em termos de atividade de investimento de impacto na região. O relatório apresenta dados de investimento de impacto com base em características como setor, tamanho e estágio de negócios, e também compara a atividade de investimento com a de 2014-2015, antes de concluir com recomendações para o desenvolvimento da indústria no futuro."


"This report presents lessons learned from various models that public and private sector programs use to stimulate growth of agro-processing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through linkages to larger firms in developing countries. The study considers the unique barriers that SMEs face and the market-driven approaches spurring SME growth by facilitating linkages to lead firms in challenging development contexts which might serve as a reference for policymakers, development practitioners, and private sector actors. The report presents approaches to successful, sustainable program design for public and private sector-led initiatives, in an effort to enrich the knowledge available to expand the opportunities for agro-processing, and to attract lead firms to partner with smaller ones."