Resource Type
Guidance and Tools

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"This publication is intended to raise awareness of the impact of social enterprise supply chains on society and the benefits for companies that do business with them in Peru. These pages contain many examples of companies that work with social enterprises to meet their corporate and social responsibility objectives, as well as a directory of Peruvian social enterprises that are potential suppliers for major businesses around the country. With this guide we hope to inspire the representatives of Peruvian companies and give them the courage to explore new business models that meet their operational needs while generating a positive and lasting social and environmental impact."


"Over the course of seven weeks, NESsT will email users a step-by-step process that organizations can use to develop a gender lens investing (GLI) strategy with their portfolio companies. The gender inclusive strategy specifically highlights metrics to drive gender equality and inclusion."


"In cooperation with various financing partners Make-IT publishes guides to investment in Kenya and Nigeria explaining funding instruments, investor types and the different stages of raising capital. In addition, they give a brief overview of the specific investment scene. The guides also contain of a detailed investor directory giving detailed information on more than 60 investors and financing partners."


"In cooperation with various financing partners, Make-IT publishes guides to investment in Kenya and Nigeria explaining funding instruments, investor types and the different stages of raising capital. In addition, they give a brief overview of the specific investment scene. The guides also contain of a detailed investor directory giving detailed information on more than 60 investors and financing partners."


"This document answers questions through a practical self-assessment tool built from the collective knowledge of practitioners who have been engaged in scaling social businesses. It is a simple checklist that enables practitioners to quickly assess their organization's readiness for scale and to clearly identify areas for improvement in four distinct areas: Social Impact, Financial Viability, Internal Capacity, and External Enablers.

The tool also offers a collection of best practices gathered from the experiences of social enterprises who are presently scaling inclusive business solutions in nutrition, water, health, agriculture, and energy. The best practices are illustrated by concrete lessons learned from these organizations along their scaling journeys."


"In March of 2020, the world was hit by COVID-19, and nearly every country and society around the world is practicing social distancing and placing restrictions on travel and face-to-face interaction. One of the countless impacts of these changes is that nearly all face-to-face research has been temporarily suspended, and many of the organizations conducting this research are exploring shifting some or all of their work to phone-based surveys. We want to help make this transition as seamless as possible and have put together this free guide to help. It captures many of the most important lessons we’ve learned in conducting phone-based surveys since 2014. While it is neither complete nor exhaustive, we hope that it serves as a useful resource to those who need it."


"This is an online resource page centered around performance and outcomes measurement for social enterprises. The resource page includes evaluation and field studies, an overview of SROI analysis, and social costs, among others."


"This piece distills critical lessons that cut across geographies and sectors and provides vital information for enterprises and funders trying to unlock impact at scale. Pivoting to Impact builds on in-depth Case Studies that share the scaling journeys of three organizations that have completed their IIA-funded work. Each organization has a unique story to tell about its strategies, pivots, successes, and failures on the road to scale."


"The Poverty Probability Index (PPI) is a comprehensive, contextually-sensitive poverty measurement tool to characterize households' asset ownership and probability of living below the poverty line. The PPI questionnaires are available for individual countries and are continuously updated."


"The Poverty Stoplight is a poverty measurement tool that seeks to activate the potential of families and communities to lift themselves out of poverty. Using a technology platform, it offers a self-assessment survey and intervention model that enables people to develop practical solutions to overcome their specific needs."