Jobs & Economic Growth

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"This knowledge brief captures key takeaways from six learning lab meetings about practical ways to measure decent work and job quality in the small and growing business (SGB) sector, facilitated by The Good Economy.

The learning lab emphasized the importance of practical measurement solutions and conceptual clarity when measuring decent work. This report seeks to provide an overview of the content discussed, useful resources, and global best practices shared during each of the learning lab meetings."

Gold Coast, Ghana

The 2022 conference themed “Accelerating SGB Growth in Africa” will focus on critical talent challenges in the SGB sector, as well as how SGBs can help developing economies achieve the U.N. SDGs.


"This assessment was conducted by a mixed international-local team with youth participation, and is the first of a series of labor market assessments to be conducted under the Workforce Connections project. The methodology builds on standard approaches to understanding labor markets used in the past by USAID, other donors, governments, and private organizations, with the addition of a more focused economic analysis which makes it possible to generate deeper insight into the drivers of skills demand. Results from this and the other Workforce Connections assessments, and the tools used to generate them, will be shared and further refined through the project's Community of Practice over the coming year. The assessment also contains a summary of lessons learned about workforce development programming."


"This report reveals the state of social enterprises in Nigeria. It is based on desk research, interviews with key stakeholders and a survey distributed to social enterprises from a diverse range of industries and sectors across the county. The findings are timely. Governments and communities are looking to minimize the economic and social damage caused by Covid-19 and, in the longer term, see the pandemic as an opportunity to rebuild economies on a fairer, more inclusive footing. As businesses that combine positive social and environmental impact with financial sustainability, social enterprises have a vital role to play."

Hora: De acuerdo a cada sesión

Inscríbete en este entrenamiento para entender el marco de medición de calidad del empleo de la Orgaqnización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) de la mano de Matt Ripley, consultor experto


"The toolkit is provided for all intermediaries and enterprise support organizations – regardless of size, geography or sector – who want proactively to support SGBs within their portfolio to integrate OHS and employment minimum practices. The toolkit aims at equipping intermediaries with the necessary tools, knowledge and resources to broach the safe working environment and fair employee treatment subject, and enables the intermediaries to assess, design and structure possible solutions for their SGB clients."


"Endeavor Insight partnered with the Lemelson Foundation and Small Foundation to understand how entrepreneurial agriculture companies can maximize their impact in developing countries. The purpose of the study is to provide a data-backed assessment of the challenges and opportunities for supporting entrepreneurs. Endeavor Insight’s approach used several lenses, including a special focus on the types of innovation the founders have created, as well as an analysis of the dynamics within selected agricultural value chains. The results offer guidance for decision makers who support entrepreneurs as they address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in raising the incomes of smallholder farmers and alleviating poverty, creating transformative solutions that can address global food security, and generating quality jobs. This study builds on recent research in the international development and social investment communities, and takes into account the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis."


Avec le lancement des Objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies, l’ODD 8 : Travail Décent et Croissance économique devient un cri de ralliement pour les professionnels qui cherchent à encourager l’entrepreneuriat comme un moyen de développement économique et social. Cependant, si le concept de travail décent peut sembler simple, définir clairement un «emploi de qualité» s’est avéré être une initiative complexe. Ce rapport synthétise les données existantes sur la qualité de l’emploi dans les PME, en se concentrant sur les entreprises plus jeunes et orientées vers la croissance dans la mesure du possible (désignées par l’ANDE sous le terme de «petites entreprises en croissance» ou PEC).