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Anglo American Foundation
Last updated on 29 Sep 2023
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The Anglo American Foundation's mission is to empower youth to create sustainable and inclusive communities, through catalysing green value chains and building resilience. We are at the early stages of activating our new strategy. Our approach is defined by participating and collaboration with young people, communities, and co-funding partners to realise innovative solutions to the challenges we look to address. In particular, the Foundation aims to apply market-based solutions to create jobs, and tackle system failures, focusing on: • Supporting direct job creation by working with partners to provide catalytic capital to SGBs to grow in green sectors (e.g. clean energy and water, waste management, carbon removals), reduce barriers to accessing new markets, and facilitate increased provision of quality technical assistance and coaching to SMEs; and • Unlocking systematic change by addressing gaps and challenges in the SGB ecosystem, including intermediation between investors and SGB owners, and development of standards that bring clarity to deal processes. In addition to supporting job creation, the Foundation plans to build resilience among youth by: • Addressing health and social barriers that disproportionately impact youth (e.g., GBV, sexual and reproductive health, mental health); and • Building youth agency by enhancing youth networks, increasing participation in decision making, and facilitating opportunities for them to express their voice (including engaging their families, communities, employers and policy makers) Our countries of focus include South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Brazil, Chile and Peru