"While the rise of the internet and online hiring practices can increase access to job opportunities for historically disadvantaged groups, an upsurge in the number of applications can lead managers to intentionally or unintentionally rely more heavily on demographic-based stereotypes. This type of discrimination is a challenge globally, and to counter these tendencies new and innovative tools are needed to reduce bias. We look specifically at the challenge of reducing gender bias in Indian hiring. Using data on hiring for full-time professional jobs in India from Shortlist, a hiring firm that is a leader in using bias-mitigating tools, we consider the validity of the global literature on gender discrimination in the Indian context.rm that is a leader in using bias-mitigating tools, we consider the validity of the global literature on gender discrimination in the Indian context."
"IFC’s Banking on Women business partners with financial institutions who have built solid track records of financing SMEs. IFC provides a full range of debt, equity, and investment products to banks to on-lend to women entrepreneurs...In the following pages we offer a sample of the impact IFC’s Banking on Women business and our client banks are making in the lives of women, their families, and economies around the world."
"The business case for gender equality is compelling. It is also widely underutilized. The most commonly cited evidence of the business case highlights two points: first, gender equality strengthens national economies, and, second, investing in women in senior leadership strengthens companies in which they work. While both are essential to making the business case, neither represents the full scope of benefits that can be derived from closing gaps between men and women in the private sector."
"Written by Business for Social Responsibility with support from Women Deliver and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, this report aims to help unlock business opportunities that advance the health, rights, and well-being of women in global value chains. It highlights the benefits of investing in women along the value chain and provides a framework for action and practical guidance for companies to identify and strengthen value-chain investment opportunities that deliver positive returns to business, women, and society."
"This study draws on social learning theory and research concerning role model effects to understand how exposure to female entrepreneurial role models influences the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, attitudes and intentions among female students. In our study, we find that exposure to female entrepreneurs particularly boosts the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and attitudes towards entrepreneurship of female students. We explore five mechanisms to explain role model effects as an emergent outcome of a reciprocal relationship between student and entrepreneur. We find that if entrepreneurs signal high levels of supportiveness and interest in the student's project outcomes, the importance of working with an entrepreneur of the same-gender decreases.
This study provides evidence that role model effects do not only occur by chance, but can be purposefully triggered in an educational setting. Hence, exploiting female role model effects may serve as an effective mechanism to foster female entrepreneurship."
"Download this study to learn about:
- The experience of the United States, Europe and other countries in channeling more than $2.2 billion in gender lens investing.
- The gaps and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean to attract international investors.
- Success stories of companies in Mexico, Colombia, Panama and Brazil that are leading this trend."
"Este relatório busca demonstrar quanto os negócios sociais efetivamente endereçam a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento feminino no Brasil. O relatório explora os pontos fortes e as fraquezas do negócio social enquanto mecanismo para o empoderamento de mulheres e contempla as diferentes maneiras em que está aplicado para tanto. Também é examinada a ideia que o negócio social, enquanto modelo de negócios, possa promover o empoderamento feminino mesmo que este não seja seu objetivo específico."
"Para entender melhor como as discriminações legais afetam o emprego e o empreendedorismo das mulheres, o estudo Mulheres, Empresas e o Direito 2019: uma Década de Reformas examina dez anos de dados por meio de um índice estruturado com base nas decisões econômicas tomadas pelas mulheres ao longo de suas vidas profissionais. O índice explora como as leis afetam as decisões econômicas tomadas por mulheres de diversos perfis - desde uma jovem de 25 anos que acabou de conseguir seu primeiro emprego, ou uma mãe que concilia o trabalho e a criação dos filhos, até a mulher que está prestes a se aposentar."
"A publicação 'Somos Empreendedoras' tem como objetivo contar a história de 25 empreendedoras brasileiras, celebrando as mesmas que, Ã sua maneira, desenvolvem, transformam suas habilidades e contextos de vida em
oportunidades para criar negócios e prosperar. O intuito é que os relatos tragam lições acerca da jornada empreendedora dessas mulheres e estimulem outras."
"For this study of Acumen's investments, an initial scan of 22 of Acumen's portfolio companies was conducted, and six of these companies, as well as one non-Acumen company, were selected for in-depth case studies. The case studies span multiple industries and geographies, and explore how these social enterprises are integrating gender into their management systems, operations, and most importantly, how they are engaging women as consumers, and where this engagement has helped improve business and social performance. The report also contains a new framework that outlines the ways in which gender can influence key business decisions. This framework has the potential to be applied broadly as a diagnostic tool to uncover short-, medium-, and long-term opportunities to more effectively integrate gender in ways that will support the business and social goals of these companies."