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This Learning Brief offers a clear justification for the role of development assistance organizations like USAID in catalyzing private finance for climate action. It synthesizes lessons learned from a broad set of donor experiences and offers
practical ‘how to’ descriptions of donor-supported activities that lead to additionality and positive climate and human impacts.This is one of three complementary resources that includes a set of case studies that examine various models of blended finance for climate action and a guidance note that provides a framework for understanding the potential for additionality and human impacts for blended finance from USAID’s perspective.


Is there a gender gap in financing Africa’s early-stage ventures? And are there differences between female and male founders—such as the sectors they choose, or the ambitions they have—that could explain divergent funding paths? As start-up financing in Africa keeps climbing to new records, these questions are becoming more urgent. To find answers, we leveraged Briter Bridges’ leading industry platform to comb through years of deal flow data and surveyed a random sample of 172 entrepreneurs operating across the continent.


To understand the network’s current level of support for climate entrepreneurship, ANDE identified which of its members work in climate adaptation, mitigation, and resilience and mapped where and how this support is being provided. Data were collected between March and August 2021 through a survey of ANDE’s member organizations as well as supplementary desk research. While the analysis in this snapshot is static, the information is meant to serve as a catalyst for greater climate action in the SGB sector.


With support from The Lemelson Foundation, ANDE conducted interviews with 13 representatives from a select group of funders and impact investors to identify barriers to and opportunities for funding climate entrepreneurship. While not an exhaustive list of funders, these representatives provided practical insight on how climate entrepreneurship is seen among funders focused primarily on climate action and/or entrepreneurship and how greater funding could be allocated to the intersection.


Southeast Asia is one of the fastest-growing regions in the world, with a total GDP of over USD 2.7 trillion. However, its progress is threatened by the increasingly adverse impacts of climate change. Entrepreneurship has a leading role in developing solutions to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. This report evaluates the current support ecosystem for climate and environmental entrepreneurs in six developing Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Through ANDE's data collection and analysis, this report offers insights on the set of organizations supporting entrepreneurs that aim to address climate change mitigation, adaptation, and non-climate related environmental protection challenges.


With over 10 years of active involvement and experience, ANDE is committed to further deepening our role in the entrepreneurship and development ecosystem. Our updated global strategy, which informs ANDE’s global and regional work for the coming years, aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Devel­opment Goals (SDGs), specifically focusing efforts on three urgent issues: decent work and economic growth, gender equality, and climate and environmental action. This brief focuses on decent work and economic growth, for India. It has been developed in partnership with ANDE Members Upaya Social Ventures and Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship (GAME). The brief highlights the current status quo of how small & growing businesses are contributing to creation of decent jobs and outlines strategies for collaborative action to strengthen the ecosystem.


"Os empreendedores nas economias em desenvolvimento são vitais para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas e promover o desenvolvimento sustentável e resiliente. Os países em desenvolvimento sofrerão alguns dos piores impactos climáticos. E também têm um enorme potencial para encorajar a mitigação e adaptação nos níveis local e regional. No entanto, os empreendedores nas economias em desenvolvimento enfrentam desafios e barreiras distintos quando se trata de abordar as mudanças climáticas. Este relatório pretende servir como uma visão geral da literatura atual sobre a interseção entre empreendedores e ação climática, bem como um chamado à ação."


"Este documento é um guia estratégico desenvolvido pela Argidius Foundation e Dalberg Advisors para apoiar organizações de apoio a empreendedores (Business Development Services ou BDS na sigla em ingês) para a adoção efetiva de práticas e ferramentas digitais. O guia explora as práticas e oportunidades atuais em todo o setor para orientar organizações de apoio a empreendedores sobre o uso de tecnologias digitais para prestar serviços aos empreendedores de forma eficaz e inclusiva."


"Nos últimos cinco anos, a GALI tem coletado dados sobre aceleradoras ao redor do mundo e empreendedores que buscam seus apoios, com foco especial em aceleradoras operando em economias em desenvolvimento. Ao analisar esses dados e entrevistar dezenas de indivíduos sobre suas experiências com aceleradoras, o projeto conseguiu divulgar mais de 30 publicações sobre assuntos incluindo a eficácia das aceleradoras, o papel do
gênero no desempenho dos fundadores de startups, a aceleração em diferentes regiões, fontes de financiamento de aceleradoras, entre outros. Esse relatório serve como uma síntese das descobertas mais importantes dessa pesquisa, com contribuições práticas para gestores dos programas de aceleração, empreendedores, fundadores, investidores e outros stakeholders que apoiam e estão engajados com aceleradoras ao redor do mundo."


"Durante los últimos cinco años, GALI ha recopilado datos en todo el mundo sobre las aceleradoras y sobre las empresas que buscan contar con su apoyo, con un particular enfoque en las aceleradoras que operan en las economías de los países en desarrollo. Mediante el análisis de estos datos y entrevistando a múltiples personas sobre sus experiencias con la aceleración, el proyecto ha logrado editar más de 30 publicaciones sobre temas
que incluyen la eficacia de la aceleración, el papel que juega el género en el desempeño de las personas que fundan una empresa emergente (startup), la aceleración en las diversas regiones, las fuentes de financiamiento de las aceleradoras y muchos otros temas más. Este reporte es una síntesis de los hallazgos que sobresalen de esta investigación e incluye conocimiento práctico para las gerencias de los programas de aceleración, emprendedores(as), fundadores(as), inversionistas y otras partes interesadas que apoyan y colaboran con las aceleradoras a nivel mundial."