Resource Type
Guidance and Tools

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"This guide shows how large companies can collaborate with other actors to build business ecosystems that enable small and medium sized companies (SMEs) to thrive. Based on concrete examples, it establishes elements of “Market Building Collaboration” and points out an agenda for action for large companies, the public sector and SME support institutions."


"In this guide, we endorse management and governance systems as a key ingredient for a successful and stable business. We encourage SMEs to establish appropriate systems and to avoid the common 'one-man show' approach among them. We show them the relative ease of achieving such a positive development just by making a few changes in how they manage their businesses. To help them, we present best practices and benefits of proper management and governance systems, along with business case studies about their fellow SMEs that have successfully applied them."


"In March 2015, the ANDE South Africa chapter brought together just over 30 participants involved in the education entrepreneurship ecosystem including public and private funders, capacity development providers, academics and edupreneurs for a full-day roundtable discussion in Johannesburg to flesh out challenges and opportunities faced by edupreneurs in South Africa and to come up with collaborative actions to strengthen the ecosystem. The discussion, which covered five topics from Access to Finance to Infrastructure and Enabling Technologies, focused on direct instruction models (predominantly Low Fee Private Schools) and EdTech entrepreneurs."


"It is designed for organisations working with their stakeholders and for those advising or retained as external consultant to organisations. Although organisations will normally have a good understanding of their stakeholders, it is often the case that the organisations do not have an understanding of the relationship between their activities and the outcomes experienced by stakeholders (the theory of change)."


"This manual provides social entrepreneurs a comprehensive yet easy to use guidebook on how to develop successful relationships with social investors. The guidebook presents an overview of the social investment landscape, offers concrete approaches to finding and approaching the right investors for social enterprises, as well as the best practices for having a successful due diligence process and for negotiating a mutually beneficial long-term social investment arrangement."


"This web portal provides guidance on calculating social return on investment (SROI), principles, definitions, methodology, and other resources, including webinar recordings and calculators."


"A survey of the support available for entrepreneurs in South Africa was undertaken by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), South Africa. The Infographic highlights the key findings while interactive buttons provide a more detailed overview of the support available."


"This paper provides an overview of the Nesta Standards of Evidence. Our aim is to find alignment with academically recognised levels of rigour, whilst managing to ensure impact measurement is appropriate to the stage of development of a variety of different products, services and programmes. The Standards of Evidence were developed based upon those used in Project Oracle (see text box for further details)."


"In the second of a two-part series focused on SAOs in Indonesia, this study by Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN) examines the performance, expectations, and challenges faced by SAOs, with particular reference to whether SAOs are meeting the expectations of entrepreneurs and investors and how gaps in expectation can be addressed.

This report also places a special focus on how SAOs support women entrepreneurs and the reasons for the gender gap in SAO activities. A multitude of factors discourage women entrepreneurs from applying and participating in SAO programs, from difficulty in finding SAO programs targeting sectors, location, or business stage, where a higher proportion of women entrepreneurs operate, through to a lack of women engaged in SAO programs as mentors, trainers, SAO staff or as participating entrepreneurs. The intensive time commitment during the program and competitive culture could also be contributing factors.

The report concludes with a practical framework that SAOs can use to advance their mission and recommendations to promote gender inclusion in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Placing a greater emphasis on diversifying mentors, trainers and SAO staff, explicitly encouraging female candidates to apply and designing more flexible programs that allow women to balance SAO program participation with household responsibilities could encourage more women to apply."


"This report provides a framework, examples, and reflections on lessons learned from Acumen's various partnerships and collaboration efforts. It aims to catalyse discussion and collaborative action that accelerates growth with impact."