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"Este relatório tem três funções principais. Ele foi encomendado pelo Conselho Britânico, em parceria com o Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE), como parte do Programa de Engajamento e Desenvolvimento Profissional do Newton Fund no Brasil. O foco no Brasil é oferecer apoio a empreendedores criativos e desenvolver mecanismos que incentivem uma Economia Criativa mais diversificada, inclusiva e confiável."


"A pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender melhor a atuação, governança e dificuldades encontradas pelos empreendedores criativos e sociais do Brasil."


"Esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar os principais desafios de empregabilidade que a população em situação de vulnerabilidade econômica no Brasil enfrenta e mapear oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de negócios de impacto social que possam apoiar a redução das desigualdades e trazer melhorias às vidas dessas pessoas."


"Para entender melhor como as discriminações legais afetam o emprego e o empreendedorismo das mulheres, o estudo Mulheres, Empresas e o Direito 2019: uma Década de Reformas examina dez anos de dados por meio de um índice estruturado com base nas decisões econômicas tomadas pelas mulheres ao longo de suas vidas profissionais. O índice explora como as leis afetam as decisões econômicas tomadas por mulheres de diversos perfis - desde uma jovem de 25 anos que acabou de conseguir seu primeiro emprego, ou uma mãe que concilia o trabalho e a criação dos filhos, até a mulher que está prestes a se aposentar."


"IFC’s Banking on Women business partners with financial institutions who have built solid track records of financing SMEs. IFC provides a full range of debt, equity, and investment products to banks to on-lend to women entrepreneurs...In the following pages we offer a sample of the impact IFC’s Banking on Women business and our client banks are making in the lives of women, their families, and economies around the world."


"This report unpacks why women's entrepreneurship is good for business and is essential for economic growth. Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a key driver of economic growth, and women-owned enterprises account for approximately 30-37 percent (8-10 million) of all SMEs in emerging markets. As such, women are the fastest-growing market segment, they start businesses at a higher rate than men, and it is expected that they will create approximately 50 percent of new small business jobs by 2018. In developing economies, SMEs are increasingly important, as they contribute to nearly half of the labor force."


"Global evidence of a strong business case for investing in women and leveraging their potential as entrepreneurs is emerging. The 'Women Investing in Women' movement can play a significant role in addressing the systemic access to finance challenges that women entrepreneurs contend with. The report takes stock of the access to finance challenges experienced by women entrepreneurs in India and the resulting financing gap. It explores the potential of the 'Women Investing in Women' movement to address those challenges and enhance access to finance for women-led start-ups and small businesses. The core objective of the report is to identify a strategic roadmap for strengthening this movement in India to further the adoption of gender lens investing. This report will be a valuable resource for a range of ecosystem stakeholders including regulatory agencies and government policymakers, development agencies, foundations, private sector companies who aim to strengthen the women entrepreneurship ecosystem in India. It is expected to inform policy formulation and intervention design targeted at strengthening gender lens investing in India."


"Women, Business and the Law 2020 is the sixth in a series of studies that analyze laws and regulations affecting women's economic opportunity in 190 economies. Eight indicators-structured around women's interactions with the law as they begin, progress through, and end their careers-align with the economic decisions women make at various stages of their lives. The indicators are Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension."


"The UN Global Compact and BSR have been working steadily with companies to inform their approaches and drive progress for gender equality and women’s empowerment. BSR and the UN Global Compact are committed to continuing to support businesses with the tools and insights needed to navigate the coming decade and move from commitment to action on gender equality. Business as usual is no longer working for women or men, but innovative solutions designed with and for women can move us beyond the status quo toward a gender-equal workplace. The WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool is composed of 18 multiple choice questions across four areas: leadership, workplace, marketplace, and community. The tool also covers four management stages—commitment, implementation, measurement, and transparency—to ensure commitments are coupled with substantive action to implement the WEPs."


"This paper investigates the contribution of small firms to employment, job creation, and growth in developing countries. While small firms (< 20 employees) have the smallest share of aggregate employment, the small and medium enterprise sector's (< 100 employees) contribution is comparable to that of large firms. Small firms have the largest shares of job creation, and highest sales growth and employment growth, even after controlling for firm age. Large firms, however, have higher productivity growth. Conditional on size, young firms are the fastest growing and large mature firms have the largest employment shares but small young firms have higher job creation rates."