Central America and Mexico

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9:00 - 10:30 (GMT-5)

Evento para presentar los resultados del Mapeo de Ecosistema Emprendedor en el sur y sureste de México. Se abordarán retos, oportunidades, y recomendaciones. Espacio para conectar con otros actores.

July 1, 2021
Impact Alpha

As part of The U.S. Agency for International Development’s Guatemala Entrepreneurship and Development Innovation initiative, companies and private sector partners have committed $31 million to support entrepreneurs and businesses that can increase access to renewable energy and improve agriculture, water and sanitation, health, and education.

USAID will provide an additional $7.5 million in funding to the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs towork with its dozens of member incubators, accelerators, and financial institutions in the region to provide direct support and capital to farmers, entrepreneurs and business owners.

June 23, 2021

Si Honduras quiere avanzar más rápido para fortalecer su desarrollo rural, generar oportunidades para detener la migración y crear paisajes más resilientes al cambio climático, Honduras debe firmar y ratificar el Acuerdo de Escazú que busca asegurar el acceso a la información, la participación y la protección de defensores ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe.

June 17, 2021

If Honduras wants to move faster to strengthen its rural development, generate opportunities to stop migration, and create landscapes that are more resilient to climate change, Honduras must sign and ratify the Escazú Agreement that seeks to ensure access to information, participation, and protection of environmental defenders in Latin America and the Caribbean.


"In the GALI dataset, approximately one-third of ventures based in Mexico that applied to accelerators had already participated in a similar program. GALI produced this knowledge brief, with the support of Citibanamex, to better understand the incremental benefits that entrepreneurs receive by attending multiple programs as well as how entrepreneurs and accelerators view this phenomenon."


"El Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report señala que, entre los países latinoamericanos, en Guatemala es particularmente común que se perciba el emprendimiento como una buena oportunidad para generar ingresos, y que “cuentan con el conocimiento, las habilidades y la experiencia necesarias para empezar un negocio, además de tener la menor proporción de temor al fracaso.” Sin embargo, no es claro qué tan prevalentes son estas
percepciones en áreas urbanas en comparación con áreas rurales."


"According to a recent Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report, among Latin American countries Guatemalans are particularly likely to view entrepreneurship as a good opportunity to generate income. This report also states that the adult population in Guatemala has the right mix of knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to start a business and that few express fear of failure as an impediment to starting a business, relative to individuals in other countries in the region."