In September 2021, The Lemelson Foundation and ANDE partnered to produce a new report, Climate Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies: Funder Perspectives on Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities. In an exclusive interview following this publication, Executive Director Rob Schneider, Program Officer Maggie Flanagan, and Communications Officer Pam Kahl share more insights and calls to action for other funders. As the world gathers for COP26, this is particularly important.
Small businesses not only create jobs, but also can develop and deliver solutions to help us get to net zero faster. ANDE’s vision is where small and growing businesses are fully supported to optimize their role in mitigation efforts, local adaptation, and support a just economic transition.
As a crucial driver for innovation and sustainable development, entrepreneurship plays a vital role in growing solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. They are especially significant in developing Southeast Asian economies, where micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) contribute up to 97% of national employment in the region.
Meet the 5 impact enterprises that work to achieve the environmental-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Si Honduras quiere avanzar más rápido para fortalecer su desarrollo rural, generar oportunidades para detener la migración y crear paisajes más resilientes al cambio climático, Honduras debe firmar y ratificar el Acuerdo de Escazú que busca asegurar el acceso a la información, la participación y la protección de defensores ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe.
If Honduras wants to move faster to strengthen its rural development, generate opportunities to stop migration, and create landscapes that are more resilient to climate change, Honduras must sign and ratify the Escazú Agreement that seeks to ensure access to information, participation, and protection of environmental defenders in Latin America and the Caribbean.
On September 24, 2020, Geigy Mathews and Denis Karema from Enviu hosted a Solution Salon entitled "Eliminating waste to 0% in the textile & food chain, impossible?" as part of ANDE's 2020 Annual Conference. The session highlighted the complex, multi-sector solutions that will be required in order to facilitate the transition towards fully circular textile and food sectors.