Climate Capital Network

"This report emphasizes the urgency to transition from the "Age of Innovation" to the "Age of Adoption" in response to climate change impacts by 2030. It identifies the critical need for the widespread implementation and scaling of existing climate technologies, and problematizes the gap between the availability of viable climate solutions and the slow pace of their adoption. It explores what will it take to deploy innovations at scale, aiming to understand the barriers hindering the widespread implementation of climate innovations. It identifies the pivotal role of climate finance in facilitating large-scale adoption, and underscores the necessity for collaborative efforts among various financial stakeholders, such as venture capital, private equity, foundations, and corporates, to devise innovative financial mechanisms. The report showcases how these financial innovations combine grants, equity, and debt to address climate challenges effectively. Finally, it stresses the need for specialized climate finance to bring innovations to the market swiftly, and emphasizes collaborative efforts among diverse capital allocators to develop creative and collaborative climate finance strategies."


"The Climate Capital Network’s (CCN) first annual India Climate Finance Report explores the direction of climate finance in India, uncovers funding opportunities and gaps, and showcases organisations that are using innovative approaches. This report consolidates survey findings, interviews, and articles from leading climate finance organisations allocating in India. The universe of funders in India has grown significantly to encompass everyone from the Climate Committed (core mandate and/ or deploying in these sectors for a number of years) to the Climate Crossover (newly part of the mandate and starting to actively deploy/ refine thesis) to the Climate Curious (will opportunistically deploy, but no specific mandate at this point). We reached out to funders who are actively and strategically looking at climate right now. The focus of this report is on the data as a way to provide context and background, but equally importantly on the insights and areas of emergence."

As Publisher

Climate investing has grown from a niche investment vertical market to a widely recognised market that attracts billions of PE and VC capital globally and in India. In 2023, venture and growth investment into climate totalled $32 billion around the world and $804 million in India. The size of our network reflects the vast opportunity and high levels of enthusiasm. 

Given this step change in the flow of capital, one would assume that the ecosystem in India has evolved and that the continuum of capital functions smoothly, with multiple instruments and funding approaches accessible and affordable for scaling climate innovations.

We decided to unpack this hypothesis in the third India Climate Finance Report and examine what really exists in terms of a continuum, how smooth the handovers are and what’s still missing to enable climate innovation at scale. This report is a combination of survey insights and deep-dives/ guest articles from peers and partners in the ecosystem. With the focus on mapping, this time we’ve requested guest articles from stakeholders working at very specific points/ junctures of the continuum, and asked them to comment on what’s working and what isn’t. We’ve also tried to highlight the opportunity for family offices and emerging foundations with more broad-based/ flexible mandates. Also as always, we have highlighted the role of appropriate and accurate climate impact measurement, as a reflection of the value created.