"The Impact Investing Landscape in Latin America is a joint report by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and the The Association for Private Capital in Latin America (LAVCA). The 2018 edition of the report provides an updated, comprehensive look on the state of impact investing across Latin America. Using survey data from over 60 investors in the region, the report outlines trends in investment activity in 2016 and 2017, examines challenges for investors, and evaluates the future of impact investing in Latin America - where investors plan to deploy an additional US$2b in capital over the next two years."
"As the world continues to grapple with the lasting and uneven effects of the coronavirus crisis, this issue brief explores the impact investing community's ongoing commitment to building a resilient future. Specifically, this brief demonstrates how impact investors seek to implement strategies to strengthen both market and societal resilience to future crises. Based on interviews with 16 asset owners, asset managers, service providers, and social enterprises, this brief investigates the role of social equity in enabling that resilience and shares specific tactics impact investors have implemented or are considering implementing to address inequality."
"As the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has spread globally, it has left in its wake acute health concerns compounded by economic devastation. The full effects of the pandemic and corresponding economic slowdown are still unfolding - yet already, impact investors' portfolios are experiencing constraints, and the need for further impact investment is rising sharply. To catalyze strategic flows of impact investment capital and position impact investors to support their current investees, the Response, Recovery, and Resilience Investment Coalition (R3 Coalition) launched in May 2020. This initiative represents a collaboration across impact investing networks. One critical component of this initiative is the delivery of market intelligence on financing needs and effective strategies to address those needs. This first brief intends to describe the current state of play for impact investors."
"This paper documents that ventures that are funded by two successful angel groups experience superior outcomes to rejected ventures: they have improved survival, exits, employment, patenting, web traffic, and financing. We use strong discontinuities in angel funding behavior over small changes in their collective interest levels to implement a regression discontinuity approach. We confirm the positive effects for venture operations, with qualitative support for a higher likelihood of successful exits. On the other hand, there is no difference in access to additional financing around the discontinuity. This might suggest that financing is not a central input of angel groups."
"The Core Characteristics of Impact Investing define the baseline expectations of what it means to practice impact investing. Providing this level of clarity to the market will help investors understand what constitutes credible impact investing and the Core Characteristics serve as a reference point for investors to identify practical actions they can take to scale their practice with integrity."
"Research on impact investing is often conducted from the perspective of the investor, failing to account for the perspective of the impact entrepreneur on the ground. In particular, little primary research has concentrated on those who applied for impact investment funding but were turned down.This report details the ways in which local impact entrepreneurs have experienced the impact investing process, including the expectations of and communications with investors."
"Donor agencies, philanthropists, and social innovators are much enamored of financial inclusion these days. This report explores current limitations of financial inclusion and makes the case for why financing SMEs (or the missing middle) is so difficult, and so important."
"This report is the first of its kind to understand the landscape of Angel Investment Networks in Southeast Asia and explores the challenges and opportunities for angel investors in the region. The report also places a special focus on Gender Lens Investing and the drivers for angel investors to make gender-focused investments to contribute to the development of an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Asia. This research aims to support the development of the angel investment market in Southeast Asia through three key approaches: First, it aims to Complete a mapping of established Angel Investment Networks (AINs) across Southeast Asia (SEA) that are actively investing in early-stage enterprises. Secondly, the report identifies and analyzes key aspects and good practice of active AIN structures and impact models in Southeast Asia. Finally, it provides a general overview of where and how Gender Lens Investing (GLI) practices take place across AINs in Southeast Asia to further advance the implementation of GLI in the region."
"There is good news: there are many, many promising climate finance solutions emerging on the scene to close key market gaps. The bad news? Interested investors of all shapes and sizes, and emerging innovators of every stripe, often struggle to find each other-and often talk past each other. Different investor expectations, lexicons and geographies need to be clarified-fast-and then linked to action.
We in the climate finance tribe-"we" being institutional investors, public sector officials, international development experts and so on-need to raise our game. With the help of our great advisory team, a dash of humor, a few cartoons and support from the Rockefeller Foundation, let the era of accelerated climate finance clarity and investment begin."
"This report combines analysis of aggregated portfolios, survey data, and personal stories from participants to illuminate the 100% impact investor experience. We begin by sharing why these investors are creating more positively impactful portfolios - identifying their motivations for impact and "going all in." We then introduce them through their personal stories, demonstrating the diversity, resolve and rigor of their approaches. Next we explore how they got started, and what processes and procedures they followed to commence their respective journeys. We then share select investment strategies and an analysis of the aggregate portfolios through the lens of entity type and asset size. Finally, we address performance, both impact and financial, before concluding with our key takeaways, and debunking of myths."