Regional Chapter

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February 12, 2016
Devex Impact

As traditional sources of capital show no signs of growth, as donors are making a push to work with more local organizations, and as impact investing and the role of entrepreneurship in development have gained more attention, INGOs are exploring their options. Adva Saldinger writes about how ANDE members are working to identify new ways to help out the missing middle.

February 9, 2016
Wall Street Oasis

Isaac Gross attended the ANDE Investment Manager Training (IMT) in Brazil in December 2015 and writes about his experience in Wall Street Oasis: "Impact investing is a growing industry and it is important to provide people with the resources they require. In order for the field to continue to advance, we need more programs like the MIINT and the ANDE Investment Manager Training to prepare the next generation of impact investors."

January 10, 2016
The Sunday Times

"In the same way that the aspiring runner starts by joining a running club, so should the aspiring entrepreneur tap into the existing ecosystem designed to support entrepreneurs," writes Zipho Sikhakhane in South Africa's Sunday Times. South Africa's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Map, a detailed infographic our ANDE South Africa team created about the main finance, capacity development and ecosystem support gaps and opportunities, is featured in this article.

January 1, 2016
Ideas: the Magazine of the Aspen Institute

The best three-letter weapon against poverty is not spelled A-I-D but J-O-B,” writes Pulitzer Prize-winner Nicholas Kristof in his new book, A Path Appears. At this year's ANDE Annual Conference, Kristof and ANDE Executive Director Randall Kempner discussed aid, development, jobs, and how corporations can play an important role in addressing critical global development challenges.

December 18, 2015

This article, on a Brazilian site dedicated to innovation and education in Brazil, discusses a recent report that ANDE published with the support of SAP: "Education for the 22nd Century." It discusses the major findings and recommendations, and focuses on the Brazilian context.

December 8, 2015
Financial Times

"We live in a world characterized by gender inequality. Throughout the globe, women continue to struggle for equal wages, access to capital and financing, training, supply chain inclusion and more. This state of affairs is unfair, unethical and unwise. Reams of research show that investing in women is not only the right thing to do, it’s the economically smart thing to do—for women and men." Randall Kempner makes the case for why it's past time for the world to invest more in women.

November 18, 2015
Global Entrepreneurship Week

"A successful entrepreneurship ecosystem can help hundreds of social enterprises thrive," write Kate McElligott and Randall Kempner. This article lays out six things to keep in mind when implementing an entrepreneurial ecosystem initiative in order to improve the environment in which social entrepreneurs work.

November 17, 2015
Shared Value Initiative

When employers support enterprises that improve education outcomes, they deliver success for both their own business and for young people. In this blog for the Shared Value Initiative, Stephanie Buck and Nish Pangali of SAP discuss how corporations can support education-focused entrepreneurs, and why it matters.

October 8, 2015

In this TED-style talk by SOCAPtv, ANDE Deputy Director Jenny Everett discusses the Global Accelerator Learning Initiative (GALI) and its goal to understand whether or not accelerator programs actually work.

September 14, 2015
Devex Impact

Incubators and accelerators are meant to provide technical assistance to businesses on the cusp of growth. Many incubators have launched successful companies, but do developing world entrepreneurs may have a different set of needs. We need more data to find out what types of programs and which elements create the greatest impact. Adva Saldinger provides an overview of the GALI project in the context of global development and highlights insights from the GALI partners.