ANDE’s Digitalization Learning Labs are a series of convenings that aim to support the digital transformation of the SGB sector by exchanging knowledge among ANDE members and evaluating their needs. This document is divided into the three modules of the Learning Lab sessions that were carried out by ANDE chapters. Each includes the purpose of the stage, the diverse methodologies that support digital transformation, and reflections on how and why to use them, based on the experience of three ANDE members.
The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) today announced eleven winning projects to receive funds through ANDE’s Gender Equality Action Labs.
The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) today announced that five organizations have been selected to receive funds under the Gender-Smart Investing Capacity Building Facility.
Anza was founded eleven years ago on the belief that innovators will transform Tanzania. With core programming focusing on capacity building, access to capital, and connecting communities, Anza recognizes the positive and significant impact that SGBs have and will have on Tanzania’s economy.
The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) today announced that three organizations in Africa have been selected to receive funds under the Accelerating Women Climate Entrepreneurs (AWCE) Fund.
The AWCE Fund, an activity under the Accelerating Women Climate Entrepreneurs project, aims to contribute to poverty reduction and respond to climate change by identifying and promoting good practices to support women entrepreneurs in climate-related value chains. The AWCE project also places an emphasis on developing a road map for international development stakeholders to provide further gender-responsive support to women climate entrepreneurs and intermediaries.
Small businesses are integral to climate-change mitigation and adaptation, particularly in the developing world. But international policymakers and financial institutions routinely overlook their contribution, jeopardizing us all.
In September 2021, The Lemelson Foundation and ANDE partnered to produce a new report, Climate Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies: Funder Perspectives on Approaches, Challenges, and Opportunities. In an exclusive interview following this publication, Executive Director Rob Schneider, Program Officer Maggie Flanagan, and Communications Officer Pam Kahl share more insights and calls to action for other funders. As the world gathers for COP26, this is particularly important.
Small businesses not only create jobs, but also can develop and deliver solutions to help us get to net zero faster. ANDE’s vision is where small and growing businesses are fully supported to optimize their role in mitigation efforts, local adaptation, and support a just economic transition.