A GameChanger Law
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Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the cornerstone of the global transition towards sustainability. India's ambitious climate commitments make EVs not just an environmental imperative, but an economic opportunity. They represent our path to both decarbonization and energy independence, while providing opportunity to accelerate innovation and manufacturing.

This report comes at a crucial time when India's EV charging landscape is at an inflection point. The challenges we face are unique – from installing charging points in crowded urban areas to building networks that withstand everything from Rajasthan's heat to Kerala's monsoons. 'Charging Ahead-Part II' delves into the intricate interplay of policy, regulation, and industry trends shaping this crucial segment, providing cross-jurisdictional analysis that contextualizes India's efforts within a global framework. The insights from markets like California, Singapore, and the UK offer invaluable lessons for our path forward, from integrating renewable energy to deploying innovative business models. The collaboration between GameChanger Law Advisors and Speciale Invest in producing this report
exemplifies the interdisciplinary approach needed to build a sustainable future.


If there is one sector in India that has witnessed visible, drastic change in the 21st century, it has to be that of sports. Consider this- at the turn of the century, India was considered as a one-sport nation, namely, a cricketing nation. Even in cricket, India was for most part, an “alsoran”. If you were to read any media coverage of India’s sports sector in the 90s and the early 2000s, you would notice an oft-repeated lament that Cricket in India grabbed all the eyeballs and investments, and all other sports were in a state of poverty. While much of the lament was true then, the narrative has been changing slowly, yet progressively over the last 25 years. 

This White Paper explores how such multi-stakeholder collaboration, matching and funding can happen. In answering the “how”, we have discussed various blended finance approaches case studies derived from their deployment in other social sectors, which could be adapted and deployed for raising funding within the sporting ecosystem, be it for building sporting infrastructure or for developing community sport or for achieving Olympic/Paralympic glory. Within the Indian context, the advent of the Social Stock Exchange provides for yet another exciting social financing mechanism to be explored in the days ahead. We also provide two recent example of Social Stock Exchange listings for readers to assess this platform’s potential.