Mercy Corps
As Publisher

"Designing resilience programs that effectively strengthen women's resilience capacities requires a detailed understanding of each pathway in the program setting. In recognition of the need for context-specific gender and resilience analysis, BRIGE (Building Resilience through Integration of Gender and Empowerment) worked with resilience programs in Indonesia, Nepal, and Niger to develop and to pilot measurement tools that serve multiple purposes for gender integration in Mercy Corps' resilience-focused programs. These purposes include identifying gender-related barriers to resilience, measuring how resilience programs affect these pathways, and supporting staff learning.

This report synthesizes lessons learned from the pilot studies where these tools were developed and applied. It provides guidance on how to contextualize future applications of the tools for different situations and purposes, as well as how to interpret and analyze findings. The report presents the three gender and resilience tools with suggested learning goals, tool questions and instructions, interpretation and analysis, lessons from the pilots, and ways to modify the tools for a specific context."