Organizational Key Contacts
Organizational Key Contacts

Welcome to ANDE! We are excited to have you onboard as an ANDE member. In order to help us point you in the right direction regarding member services and prepare us better to serve your needs, we ask that you identify several key contacts within your organization to serve as point of contacts for ANDE.

Please read each role’s definition and identify who at your organization would be the best fit. If you have any questions, please reach out to Anna Santiago.

  • Person responsible for providing organizational data to ANDE

    This individual will be responsible for collecting and updating data to share with ANDE on behalf of the organization. ANDE will reach out to this person on an annual basis to provide updated data for your organization via our Annual Survey.
  • Key Contact

    This individual is a key decision maker representing your organization and will receive all notifications related to your ANDE membership.
  • Comms Key Contact

    This individual is responsible for Communications at your organization.
  • Regional Key Contact

    This individual is a key contact representing your organization at the regional level. They may serve as the key contact for ANDE regional chapters.
  • Additional Key Contact

    You may add additional key contacts here.