Member Directory
Chihuahua, Mexico
Last updated on 7 Mar 2024

Emprendiendo por Chihuahua provides extensive support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through a range of impactful programs. Firstly, they offer an intensive training program tailored specifically to women entrepreneurs, aimed at validating their business ideas. This program not only equips them with necessary skills but also fosters innovation and confidence in their entrepreneurial journey. Secondly, the organization runs a business incubation initiative that provides comprehensive guidance and resources to nurture startups from their inception to sustainable growth. Additionally, they extend their expertise to micro-enterprises by offering consultancy services, assisting them with crucial aspects like strategy development, financial management, and market positioning. In an effort to address societal disparities, the NGO introduces a collective entrepreneurship program focused on empowering vulnerable youth. This initiative not only imparts entrepreneurship skills but also instills a sense of purpose and self-reliance among these individuals. Furthermore, the organization plays a vital role in strengthening the overall entrepreneurial ecosystem by facilitating collaborations and linkages among various institutions. Through their program dedicated to connecting and reinforcing these ecosystem entities, they contribute to a more vibrant and resilient entrepreneurial landscape, ultimately fostering economic development and innovation.