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Ashesi University
Berekuso, Ghana
Last updated on 17 Mar 2023
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Ashesi University is best described as a liberal arts college at Berekuso, near Accra, Ghana. The vision of the University is to educate ‘ethical entrepreneurial leaders’. The Business Department has a goal of seeing at least 20% of its graduates become entrepreneurs, 5 years after graduation. The university recently launched a one year design thinking and entrepreneurship course for all freshmen, funds a design lab for new idea development, supports a student-led venture accelerator, has a strong entrepreneurship capstone course and is raising funds for an Enterprise Fund that will support this variety of initiatives and ventures. Through these initiatives, Ashesi supports young, small and growing businesses. Also, because a number of startup founders serve as mentors for a variety of Ashesi ventures and projects, the school supports these outside SBGs through knowledge transfer and entrepreneurial talent acquisition when they hire our graduates.